Chapter No Fifteen

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The following day I just focused on preparing myself for starting school again both mentally and academically. I've been able to get all the updates of class and school through my classmates. Carter too had contacted and we sorted things out yet it kinda felt like it wasn't the same. I guess going to the hospital made a lot of changes in me, I wasn't the same.

Tomorrow would be my first day back I just hope it goes well. Even though I loved my school and never really had any big problems but I was genuinely worried about going back. I didn't know how things will go and how people would see me now. Would I be a psyco? Who just returned from a mental hospital. Previously too not many people have been understanding and supportive of my mental health. I was always made to believe that it was something to be ashamed of. We are in 21st century yet we haven't grown out of our limiting beliefs and our hatred. I don't understand how people could be so mean and heartless.

Finally it was the day I was returning to school and I didn't know what life might bring my way. I got dressed in a red shirt which I paired with with blue jeans. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail and did my everyday makeup and wore green multi shade contact lenses they really enhanced my look. I was all dolled up and ready for my first day. I stepped out of the house without saying anything to mom and saw Lucus approaching my house I was surprised to see him here as we had no such conversation.

"Hello missy" he said in his famous husky voice
"Lucus? Hi.... Aaamm you? Here?" I said nervously at this point I didn't know if it was due to my nervousness for my first day back or his charms that I couldn't even form a single sentence right.
"Well, you're right it is me and yes I am here" he said with self confidence. "I meant what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming" I replied finally regaining my ability of forming proper words
"I assumed since it's your first day back maybe you would like some company"
"Ah, so you assumed I would have forgotten my way to school since I've been away from school for a while?" I interrogated raising an eyebrow.
"Haha well no I wouldn't dare think that I still have a lifetime to live. I just wanted to give you some company" he joked but there was sincerity in his eyes so I gave in and accepted his offer to ride with him.

The ride was great we chatted and laughed the entire time. He almost made me forget all my worries I felt lighter as a feather. We made a quick stop for coffee. We decided to order the coffee in the car and when the waiter arrived he was unusually excited to see Lucus and said "Evan? Hey man where have you been?"
Lucus who was so cheerful one moment suddenly became cold and bashed the waiter for calling him Evan we left the coffee shop without wasting anymore time.

The ride afterwards was very silent and the air was so tense in the car I tried asking him what was the problem but he did not bother replying to me he didn't even looked at me the entire journey and when we finally we reached school he dropped me and left without any explanation. What was going on? Who was Evan? And why was Lucus suddenly behaving so weird?

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