chapter two

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Waking up the next morning with swollen eyes, and dark patches underneath reminded me of my dark experience from last night. That was not the only night that make me suffer but this suffering was more of a usual thing to me now. These panic attacks were a part of my life. After looking at my horrifying face in the mirror, I headed towards the bathroom to do my morning routine. After returning to my bed I took a quick glance at my bed side clock, which read 2 pm. The Sun was at it's brightest. I did slept too much that morning. I made my way down towards the kitchen, stopping at the laundry to greet mom "Hey mom" I pleaded keeping my voice firm in order to sound fine. "Hi, your breakfast or more like lunch is in the oven go and get it" was the response, as she continued with the laundry. I didn't expect any better though but it still hurts. After eating in silence I returned to my room. Staring through the window a flash of memories entrapped me, and I started floating in the deep dark waters of memories.
"Hey Rosie, come catch me"
"Wait daddy I'm almost there" i exclaimed. I was dragged back to reality by a piano sound my phone was ringing. I answered it with my mind still lost in the past
"Rosie?? Rosie you there?" That was carder on the other side of the line
" y-yeah, yeah i'm here, what is it?" I asked my best friend
"Where were you? I've being calling you since ages" Carder said
"Nowhere, just woke up, had a lot of sleep today" was my reply.
"Seems like someone is really excited for our first day as seniors, tomorrow is going to be exciting" Carder said her voice beaming with excitement

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