chapter Thirteen

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Rossie's point of view

i was sitting on my bed numb as due to the excessive emotions i had been feeling my brain no longer responded my thoughts were clouded and nothing made me feel any other way i was alone in my room ever since we had gotten home this loneliness was actually a torture if nothing more. i lay on my bed looking up at the sealing blankly not moving at all just rhythmic breaths coming out of me. my soul felt crushed i felt like there was no difference between me and any piece of furniture laying in the corner of my room. no matter what i do no matter how much i try i seem to have never been able to make people love me. I got up an idea had hit me something i never thought of before i picked up my laptop and started typing 

"Dear God,

why did you make me so unloveable? why didn't you make me normal? like candy or carder? God why am i always let down by people? why can't someone just love me? i've heard you love everyone even those who don't love you back does that mean you love me too? please show me a sign  of your love comfort me, heal my broken heart and soul i've failed..... i've failed at life."

with that i turned the laptop off and came back to the be and laid down don't know what was it but somehow an unknown calm came over me something that i had never experienced before. i was still alone in my room yet i didn't feel lonely. i was just enjoying this newly found peace when my phone buzzed it was a text message. when i picked my phone up to check it was Lucus. just reading his name on the screen brought back the memories of our last unpleasant encounter. i thought for a minute and then decided to open the message. i opened the message it said 

"Hey, How are you now? sorry i was a complete jerk the other day i felt terrible about it can you please forgive me?"

i read that message for at least 10 times before replying "I'm better how are you?" i wasn't at all interested in talking to him yet it was better to talk to someone than to just sit in this room all by myself thats why i decided to chat with him. 

"i'm fine Mr. barry was asking about you today"

i was about to type in a reply when mom came in to give me the meds. i took the meds from her hoping she would leave immediately but she stood there making sure that i take the medicines. i took the medicines and she immediately left without saying a single word. after she left picked up my phone and started type the reply "and what did you tell him?" i press sent

"i just said you were not feeling well no details as it's your story to tell not mine"

"i really appreciate it, thanks"

"no problem"

i was reading his text and suddenly i started feeling weird my vision got blurry and the text started to look as if floating, i looked up at the light and the light too felt weird it also was like floating in air...... what was happening to me??? 

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