Chapter Three

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I was running in a darkened corridor with all my energy. They were behind me, those two gigantic, muscular men carrying dagger. I didn't go too far when it dawned on me that I could run no further, that I was trapped helplessly, as that was the end of the corridor. I turned to realize that they were getting closer and closer. A shiver of fright ran down my spine and my blood turned into water. My heart was beating in my ears, I was paralyzed by shock. One of them stepped forward his beetle like eyes were digging holes in my skull. I opened my mouth to scream, but was betrayed by my own voice. That was the time when I woke up to realize that I was in my room and this was just a dream. My breathing rate and heartbeat were at their maximum possible levels. I looked out for the time, which was 1 in the morning. I stepped towards the kitchen to have a glass of water. After returning to my bed I tried hard to sleep but all my efforts went into bin. I lie there looking up towards the ceiling. I lost into a trance, still a part of the Same dream anytime ready to be killed my those men, as if that all was real and that they really were after me. I lost track of time and didn't even realize when the darkness of night turned into the brightness of day. My alarm rang, finally it was first day of my senior year at Howarth high school.

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