Chapter Eight

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i stepped out of home, he was standing at the other side of the road, wearing a white shirt with a black jacket and maroon pants. i must say he looked quite hot in it..... Aaahh come on Rossie stop checking him out i interrupted my own thoughts. 


"Hey, you're looking beautiful"

"Thanks" i couldn't control that blush on my face "you too are looking good" i added to hide my awkwardness.

"Thanks.... you're really innocent Rossie" my eyes met his, there was honesty in them "So? Shall we proceed?" he whispered 

"yeah" i hissed back

The weather was just perfect for a walk. just when he unlocked the car i unconsciously said "Stop!" 

"What happened?"

"I was thinking how about a walk? i mean look, the weather is just perfect for a walk. neither too cold nor too hot, plus the coffee shop isn't that far" i suggested.

"As you wish miss" he gave a dramatic bow, which made me laugh a little, then he stood straight with a confident smile.

"Let's go, Mr. King of cheesy dialogues"

"Well i'll take that as a compliment" he winked with a grin.

with that Lucus locked the car again and we started walking. The road was not very busy, calm wind was blowing. God! i'm in love with mother nature. I feel grateful to Lucus because of whom i got out of home, or else i would have been home alone with my wondering thoughts. i was so much lost in the nature that, before i could realize we were outside the "Dunkin donuts". we entered the door and the sweet and mouthwatering aroma of the donuts and sweet beverages welcomed us. we headed to a table near the window so that we can enjoy the outside view. 

"Welcome Sir, Welcome ma'am" a waiter greeted us "here is the menu" he handed us the menu with a smile.

"Thank you" i returned the smile. "one latte for me with a special chocolate donut" i added after examining the menu.

"one Macchiato with a donut" was Lucus's order. 

with this the waiter left our table. i again got lost in looking outside the window. since that incident i had quit going out much. that one incident marked a changed me. no matter how hard i try to claim that i've been least effected by that but the fact was otherwise. i was never this observant either. with this those intense memories entrapped me, and Adrenaline rushed in my veins making my heartbeat fast. 

"nooooooo!!!!! Stop!! where are you taking my daddy? Stop!!" i screamed at my fullest but i was helpless blood dripping from my forehead and leg.

"Ahem Ahem" lucus was waving towards me our order too has arrived but i has lost track of everything this always happened to me when ever these memories occupied me. "Rossie are you okay?" 

all color was drained from my face, i felt wetness filling in my eyes which i removed by blinking my eyes a number of times.

" Y-Yeah" i replied with a broken voice " i'm sorry for that i just got lost in something"

"that's fine anyways lets change the topic you don't look comfortable talking about it" i nodded in agreement "do you and your mom live all by yourself"

"hmm" i replied with a nod.

"and what about your dad?" 

"Aamm he... died in a car crash" i lied as i couldn't trust him by telling him the truth plus i don't wanna share this with anyone, because it's better to lie or to make a protective wall around yourself, and your heart then to be hurt. as the last thing i wanted now was to get hurt and played with. 

"i'm soo sorry, i didn't mean to upset you"

"it's ok" i took a sip of my coffee and added " what about you? do you have any siblings?"

"Aamm yeah i have a younger sister and a brother"

"nice... small and happy family" i said with a sincere smile.

We chatted for a while before heading back. he enlightened my mood with his hilarious jokes and cheesy dialogues. it was a fabulous evening.

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