Chapter Eleven

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Waking up to a few unknown voices, i discovered that it was dawn. i tried to move my hand to rub my eyes but was unable as my hands were tied. this sent a wave of goosebumps all over my body why was i tied up? what was this place? who were these people around me? why was i being treated this way? my mind was filled with questions but i was too scared to open my eyes. but i had to, i had to figure out what was going on. i opened my eyes slowly like the curtains slowly allowing the light to enter. when i opened my eyes i was surrounded by a man wearing white court indicating that he was a doctor, with him was a women dressed as a nurse. seeing me awake he beamed at me and greeted "Good Morning Rossie, seems you had a nice sleep"

my senses failed to respond i just watched them like an idiot, then i shifted my gaze from him to my tied hands then again to him. my eyes interrogating him. he sensed my discomfort and said "sorry for this actually we had to do a couple of tests so we had to tie your hands so that we won't be interrupting, Nurse would you please untie miss Rossie?" and with that the nurse untied my hands finally releasing me. this was just not ok but i had to stay calm and think clear because as of yet i had no other option. I gathered my voice and questioned him "where is mom? why isn't she here?"

he said she's gone home and would be back soon. With that both of them left leaving me alone. i waited and waited for mom but neither mom nor anyone else arrived except for the nurse. Since my time at the boarding school when ever i felt down or hopeless on my situation, my friends consoled me saying things would get better but see instead of getting better where things are getting me.

After what seemed like forever finally, mom came to get me. My eyes longed to see her but she showed no warmth as if she had a heart of ice. She entered the room and without a word started packing my belongings. I could sense something unusual in her behavior this was not anger this was as if she don't even know me, as if I were some stranger. At first I tried my best to sense the reason of this discomfort but it didn't work out, so I tried to figure it out by asking.
"Aaamm mom? Is everything okay? " I investigated. But didn't get an appropriate answer. Instead she said "let's go I've packed everything "

Her behavior and all this tense environment debased me, I was mortified but I tried my best to stay as calm as possible as I knew my panic would only add fuel to the fire. So I tried to calm the environment.
"You know what mom, I missed you so much all these days and I miss my home all these white walls of the hospital are just so depressing.... "
She didn't let me complete and went out.

I felt warm waters building up inside my eyes, my heart ached i could feel it physically and it hurt like hell. The more I tried to control my emotions the worse I felt. A few minutes passed and mom returned and saw my condition and instead of comforting me she just said "come downstairs I'm waiting in the car" with this she left again. I gathered my self and moved out the white

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