Chapter no Fourteen

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lucas's point of view:

i stood in the room watching the wall full of her pictures. man she has changed a lot since the last time we meet yet the same innocence (infront of him was a wall full of rossie's pictures not from today or now but from past several months, from her school to inside her home)

"Are you really as innocent as you pretend to be Rosie?" I thought to myself "no matter how much I try to stay away from you I just can't...... No matter how much I try to protect you from me i keep being pulled towards you, just yesterday hearing you so helpless I couldn't help myself from going to be with you and watch you sleep peacefully"

That's when someone knocked on the door I walked towards the door opened and closed it immediately after coming out of the door being careful as not to let anyone see what's inside the door after all it's my little secret sshhh....

Rossie's point of view

I opened my eyes to a bright day thankfully I haven't joined school back yet after all that happened or else I would never have gotten to wake up so late I checked my bed side clock it was 4pm. I have been sleeping for about 12 hours straight last night was blur in my mind I had no idea as to how the night went. All I could remember were a few bits here and there I picked up my phone and realised that before being unconscious I had called Lucus and I remember him saying that he would be with me in 5 mints but I don't remember if he came?

I opened the chat box to text him as to ask him about last night but he already had texted me saying that he was glad to see I was comfortable and that I've been talking to him in my mid consciousness
"Hey, I'm alot better now, thanks for everything btw, how did you came in? I don't remember letting you in through the front door as mom would have killed me if she knew there was a boy in my room" I texted him
"I'm glad you're fine"
"obviously I came through the window duh" were the two messages I received from him
"you said I was murmuring something to you what did I say?? I hope I didn't reveal too many secrets 😅" I texted
"well that I won't tell you but yeah now I have all your deepest secrets so beware of me 😉" he replied
After a brief chat with Lucus I left bed did my morning / evening routine and then after making myself something to eat decided to study a bit since I had missed a lot due to my hospital stay

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