Chapter Four

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Leaving my bed, I headed towards bathroom, to do my morning schedule after which I headed for my closet, to find something to wear. After ten minutes of search, I changed into a green top that perfectly matched my contact lenses, with grey jeans and flats. I held my hair in a neat side braid before giving a final touch up to my light makeup that compensates for last night's sleeplessness. After grabbing my belongings I headed towards the dining table, to have my breakfast "Good morning mom" I greeted lively "Morning" mom replied before again busing herself into wiping the kitchen counter. I was almost done with my breakfast when my phone rang, that was a text from Carder saying that she was outside to pick me, as we decided to go together. I hurried out grabbing my belongings. "Bye mom" I shouted back just before locking the door behind me. I headed towards the Yellow Honda standing at the other side of the road. I threw by backpack at the backseat and made my way towards the passenger's seat. I opened the car door and was welcomed by a beaming Carder
"Hey Rossie, excited for senior year?"
"Hey, I may or may not be but it's not hard to guess that someone here is definitely excited" I gave a genuine smile
"And that someone is not you, so I'll take it to be me" she replied with a grin. I fastened the seatbelt, we were about to go when I remembered that I've forgot my notebook at my bed side table. I told Carder that I'll be back in two minutes with this I headed back towards my home. I opened the main door, just on time to find mom sobbing while hugging daddy's shirt......

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