Chapter Six

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Hey everyone i know i took ages to upload, but the reason was that i was not receiving any motivational  comments or anything so i thought to hold the horses  till i did receive any driving force. moral of the story is that come on people give your feed backs they really are the fuel for my engine.

                           Chapter 6

i was already late for the class so, without wasting any further time ran towards the classroom with all i had. just before entering the class, I banged into a lusty figure. My books fell on the floor

"no man" I sighed, annoyed.

"I'm so sorry miss" a husky voice echoed in my ears making my heart to melt. i raised my gaze only to come in contact with two deep blue eyes, glittering with innocence. it was a brief eye contact before he bend down to pick my books. raising back to his full height handing me the books he apologized again. '' i'm really sorry, actually i just got transferred here and i didn't want to be late on my very first day but i guess all my efforts went in vain but i just appol...'' i cut him mid-way as come on dude, he has been apologizing a lot ,maybe he already was nervous and i added to it but i must say these apologies look quite cute. I thought to myself before adding  '' that's completely fine i too was in a hurry so it was equally my fault you don't need to apologize this much, anyways my name is Rossie Watson'' i extended my hand for him to shake and he did. '' that's very nice meeting you Rossie i'm .....'' he was about to tell his name when an angry voice cut him short '' what are you two doing outside?'' ''i'm so sorry sir we were just coming'' following him we entered the class. i was about to take my seat when that husky voice again made my heartbeat fast , God! this guy is gonna give me a heart attack! '' my name is Lucas will be meeting you after the class Rossie''. he whispered near my ear.

the class went pretty boring as nothing special happened. after the lecture ended i was grabbing my stuff when that same voice, which now i knew belonged to Lucas interrupted me, '' Hey, you got any class after this?''

'' Aamm nope, my next class is in an hour, yours?''

''Mine too, so if you're not planning on something we can hangout till the time''

''yeah sure''

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