Chapter no 18

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Upon reaching his place he offered me to sit on the couch which I did. Secrets are like snakes vicious and sneaky; you never know when and how they would attack and neither do you know if the bite would cause an unending agony or would it cause a merciful death. A death as peaceful as floating on a silk like ocean. Over my short course of life I've encountered a lot which many people don't get to experience even in a long period of time "Ah, Lucky them" I thought to my self finally my brain has started forming words so after a brief pause and drinking a glass of water I told Lucas everything despite this feeling that I shouldn't trust anyone I just did because after everything I just needed a friend I needed someone to hold my hand and tell me it's going to be okay even if it was a lie.

He listened to everything patiently without any signs of visible emotions. Which was strange given I just told him that my very own mother wasn't actually my mother but rather a criminal plotting to kill me. It was as if he wasn't surprised, as if a part of him already either suspected that or expected that. While he wasn't showing any emotions, mine were all over the place I went through a roller coaster of emotions from crying over how hurt and betrayed I felt to laughing at how helpless I was. After all this he finally broke his silence and said "I know you're going through a lot right now and that your mind must compel you that you can't trust anyone but I need you to trust me when I say I'm here for you and no matter what it takes I will help you against all odds..... whatever it takes"

I just kept looking at him listening to his reassurance believing on his every word like a child who even though has never seen Santa Claus still believes in him. At this point I was so hurt that I felt as if someone has peeled off my skin as if I had this illusion of myself of who I was of what my life was but now someone has taken that away from me I felt like I've lost everything every hope yet in that brief moment when he said that, I wanted to belief him. I wanted him to do right by his word I needed it. Even through no one fights our demons for us or walk our path but still it's nicer to have someone by your side. "Hey I know you must be exhausted let me get you a cup of coffee. It might not be as good as the one's at the cafes but I promise it will be edible" he said in a cheerful manner and I simply nodded and he went to the kitchen to make coffee.

Lucas' point of view:

I left her in living room and came to the kitchen to make coffee for the both of us I could understand what she must be feeling right now she don't deserve all this she doesn't deserve any of this she is such a nice girl caught up in this twisted world of these criminals none of us deserve to be a part of a criminal family but then again, we rarely have a choice. I made the coffee and headed towards the living room only to find her asleep on the couch. She looked to exhausted obviously I don't blame her it is a lot to take but nevertheless it didn't outshine her beauty. She was a girl anyone would be lucky to have her smile could end wars and yet these people hurt this precious girl. I kept looking at her for just a few minutes when she woke up screaming. "Rosie? Hey it's ok you're safe" I said. she looked so frightened her face turning pale whatever she saw must have seen horrible perhaps something connected to her past. After all we aren't so different her demons haunt her in her dreams and mine don't let me sleep (which is precisely the reason I was up at this late hour standing in my window when I saw her wandering in the middle of the night all alone.) I went and sat beside her holding her hand reassuring her that it's gonna be ok.

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