9 • ran

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The atmosphere in the practise room was not the usual warmth. It was cold. Everyone could feel the glares Mark and Haechan gave each other. The dance was hard to get a grasp of, and the anger in Mark came out when he never meant it to.

"Hyuck! It's not that hard!" Mark shouted. Silence fell across the room. The tension in the room rose.

"Mark what have I done?! I'm sorry I can't get it but it's not like you can either!" Haechan shouted.

"I am! You're the one dragging us behind!"

"Well maybe if you were a better leader you could teach me how to do it!"

"Okay. Let's not fight right now..." Jaemin tried to get the boys to listen, but neither of them would. "Hyuck... Mark... please?"

"Screw you, Mark!" Haechan shouted as he grabbed his water bottle and stormed out of the room. Mark also left the scene and went to sit down by the mirrors, aggressively throwing his hat next to him.

"What do we do now?" Jaemin whispered to Jeno. Neither of them knew. Jaemin walked towards Jeno. He noticed Jaemin was shaking slightly.

"You're shaking again." Jeno said as he put his arm around Jaemin's shoulder. He was not as shaky as before, but it was still something Jeno couldn't just leave. Jeno moved his hand from Jaemin's shoulder and rubbed his arm, trying to apply some sort of comfort.

"I think we should go after Hyuck." Jaemin said, still shaken.

"You're injured remember? You shouldn't run after him." Jeno said, a great amount of concern in his voice. "I'll go by myself." Jeno said as he tried walking off, but he was stopped by a hand holding his wrist.

"Let me come with you, please." His eyes looked into Jeno's. Both of the boys had dark eyes, but they showed the concern and want to sort this situation.

"Fine, but don't push yourself. I don't want you to get anymore injured." Jeno said. For some reason, Jaemin felt happy that Jeno showed some form of concern. A feeling that could be described as butterflies.

Jeno and Jaemin ran off to find Haechan. It had begun to rain, and it was getting heavier and heavier.

"Do you have a coat?" Jeno asked. The butterflies came back. "You can go grab mine if you need it."

"We don't have time. I'm more worried about Hyuck than myself." Jaemin said, as much as he wanted to wear Jeno's coat. Jeno nodded and they continued to run.


Chenle, Renjun and Jisung were left with Mark. His head was hung low as he sat with his knees to his chest.

"We... we should do something." Renjun said.

"Yeah, but what?" Jisung whispered back. "Chenle? Where are you going?" Jisung whisper-shouted. Chenle walked towards the older boy and crouched next to him.

"Mark?" The boy said softly. He took Mark's hand and held it gently. "Mark, there was no reason to lash out." He said calmly as he tried to calm the older boy down.

"He pisses me off." Was all Mark said as he got up and left. Chenle sat there confused.

"Why are they both like this?" He sighed.

"They hold too much pride in themselves. They're not going to want to apologise." Renjun explained.

"But they have to." Jisung whined. "It's so annoying when they argue." The three boys agreed.


After running around for what seemed like ages, the two boys had found Haechan.

"Hyuck!" Jaemin called out. He stopped running and stretched his back. He winced in pain.

"You okay?" Jeno asked as he rubbed the nape of Jaemin's neck.

"I'll be fine." The younger boy lied, but he'd rather make sure Haechan was okay than himself. He walked forwards to meet Haechan.

"Donghyuck." Jaemin said as he walked over to where Haechan was sat. The place was pretty peaceful, despite the powerful rain. Haechan had his coat hood up and he seemed to be thinking. He was so in thought he didn't notice Jaemin sit opposite him. "Hyuck." He said again.

"What- oh... Jaemin." He said. Then he realised the situation. "Jaemin? Are you here alone? It's raining and your injured? You're gonna-"

"I'll be fine. Jeno came along too." Jaemin said as Jeno took a seat next to him.

"Hyuck, I just-" but before Jeno could say anything Haechan cut him off.

"You just want to tell me I shouldn't have said what I said, yeah yeah I get it." He said as he got up.

"Hyuck, please." Jaemin pleased with him, but it was no use.

"I just don't know what to do. He always says something about me! I don't know anymore!" He sighed and took a breathe. "He just pisses me off." He said before he walked off, heading back to the dorm.

At this point both boys were soaked. As well as this Jaemin was shaking again. Jeno presumed it was just the rain this time and put his arm around Jaemin, careful not to hurt him.

"Let's go home. We'll catch a cold soon." Jeno said. The pair got up and started walking back.

"Shit." Jaemin said as he felt his back go. Thankfully, Jeno reacted quickly and caught him. Jaemin had his head buried into Jeno's chest whilst Jeno's hands supported him.

"Hey, who told you you'd hurt yourself." Jeno teased. He smiled as he looked down to Jaemin. For some reason there was a strange feeling. One that can only be described as butterflies.

"I'm sorry." Jaemin said as he winced in pain when he tried to get up. Jeno played with his wet hair as he tried to calm the boy down. His shaking had become worse. Jeno held him tight, but not too tight to hurt him anymore than he already was. Jaemin's nose inhaled Jeno's scent as well as the rain on his clothes.

After Jaemin had gained some strength back, Jeno let go of him and crouched down.

"What are you doing?" Jaemin asked, very confused as to what Jeno was doing.

"Piggy back ride. Come on." Jeno said as his hand patted the top of his back.

"But I can walk just fine." Jaemin protested.

"But you'll be slow~ and it's raining too much." Jeno said. Jaemin held onto Jeno's back tightly. Jeno stood up and the Jeno began to walk back to the dorm, mindful of the heavy rain still falling. However, as cliché as it sounds, it seemed the sun began to shine on the path Jeno took.

"I swear to god if you drop me." Jaemin said as he rested his head on Jeno's shoulder.

"I would never."


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