19 • separate

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Once again, time flew by pretty quickly. Jeno and Jaemin had been going on their little dates when they both had free time and weren't busy with their schedule. Thankfully, there were no more major fights between Mark and Haechan, and everyone seemed close again. Though, the other members of dream were upset that the two were always busy with 127 schedules.

"Jaemin, we should go out." Jeno said as he sat on the end of Jaemin's bed. "You know, maybe exercise on the new bikes."

"Hmm." Jaemin groaned as he rolled out of bed. "Let me get ready." he said quietly. Jeno smiled at the younger boy.

"Okay. I'll be waiting." Jeno said as he got up, letting go of Jaemin's hand.


"Sicheng." his manager said. Sicheng looked over at the manager who seemed troubled by something.

"Can I help you?" Sicheng asked. The manager tapped on a seat next to him, telling him to sit down. He did as he was told.

"Me and... Lee SooMan have discussed something." the manager said, sighing a little as if he didn't want to say the next words. Sicheng tilted his head a little. "He... wants to move you into a new sub-unit." the manager simply said.

Sicheng stared at the manager, sadness flooding his body. He thought of his members. Were they okay with it? Did they want this?

"What- why?" Sicheng questioned, his emotions present in his voice.

"Lee SooMan recently had a partnership with a Chinese company. He wants to create an all Chinese group in NCT." the manager explained.

"But why move me? I'm fine in 127." the boy lied. He knew how the fans talked about him. How 'if he gets this few lines, he might as well not be part of the group' and 'he can't dance as well as the others? How is he even there?' or 'he doesn't fit the group at all' 

"I know that, but I see it as a better opportunity to show yourself to the world." the manager smiled, trying to make the situation better.

"It's not like I can change this, can I?" Sicheng sighed, playing with his fingers.

"I'm afraid not."


"Hey we should stop and make some ramen!" Jaemin said, his bicycle moving at a gentle pace. He had passed a few people eating and he was now hungry.

"Sure. There's a place up ahead." Jeno said, turning his head to see Jaemin smiling. A smile that warmed his heart. Jeno checked the time on his phone, 7:30pm. "Actually, should we stop at a restaurant? It's pretty late, and I think we should treat ourselves." Jeno said as he slowed his bike to a stop. Jaemin did the same.

"I mean if you want to." Jaemin said, pulling his phone out and pointing the phone camera to Jeno.

"What are you doing?" Jeno looked curiously at the younger boy.

"Just taking a picture of my boyfriend." Jaemin smiled, and the picture was taken. "Oooh~ you look good."

"Shut up." Jeno said, jokingly. The two began to look for a restaurant to eat at.

"Ah! This one looks good!" Jaemin said, his eyes opening at the grilled eel pictures. Jeno looked at the photos, a memory began to surface which should have been buried long ago.

"You want to go there?" Jeno asked. He thought he should go. It's been multiple years since the incident. He should be stronger and get over it. He shouldn't be bound by his past trauma, and should face his fears head on.

"Yeah! It's only 10 minutes away!" Jaemin said excitedly. Jeno placed his hand on Jaemin's neck, stroking the back of it gently.

"Let's go then, baby." Jeno said, kissing Jaemin's cheek lightly as his face flushed red.

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