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Jeno zipped up his puffer coat and waited for Jaemin. He always took forever to get ready. Eventually, Jaemin hastily left his room and put on his shoes.

"Shall we go?" Jaemin asked as he looked at the older boy.

"Sure." Jeno eyesmiled as he unlocked the door. The two stepped out into the halls. As the two walked to the elevators, Jaemin spoke.

"I- I'm sorry. You probably didn't want to do this." the younger boy sighed. Jeno looked at him confused.

"Well... it's best to at least figure something out. I mean, I know I reacted badly to..." Jeno blushed as Jaemin giggled. "the kiss, but it would be nice to spend time like this." Jaemin nodded at what the boy said.

"As long as you're not uncomfortable. Tell me anytime and we can just call it a day." Jaemin reassured Jeno. He didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable in any way.


The two headed into town. There were lots of shops and cafes to go to. The streets were crowded with people because it was a weekend. The two boys headed to what seemed like toy store. Jeno headed to the window and sighed. He wished he had a proper childhood. One that wasn't filled with grief and the pressure of being a teen idol. He just wanted to maybe have a stuffed animal, or build a Lego house, or just play with toys instead of working all day.

Meanwhile, Jeno had, unintentionally, left Jaemin. Jaemin wasn't someone good with crowds, or being alone. He hated it. He looked around rapidly to find no Jeno near him. His breathing became more unstable. It was all to overwhelming as he tried pushing through some crowds but no one budged. He thoughts rapidly fired through his brain. You're on your own. No one is here to look after you. Lost. Lost. He's gone. Good luck getting home. Lost

"Jaemin!" Jeno said, breaking the boy's thoughts. "You okay?" he said as he brushed the hairs that fell of Jaemin's forehead and placed his hand on it. "You look like you've just gotten ill or something." Jaemin blushed at the way Jeno cared for him. He was thankful he had someone like Jeno who would make sure he's okay.

"Yeah, just don't leave me with a crowd." Jaemin playfully said as he lightly punched Jeno's side. Jeno understood what he had done and guilt flooded through him.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I guess I just got too excited." Jeno apologised over and over.

"It's fine, just don't do it again, please. Especially in a place like this." Jaemin laughed a little at the situation. Who knew that the Lee Jeno was actually a big softie who never wanted to hurt anyone.

"I'm sorry, I should have known. And I should have not just left you!"

"Yah~ it's okay. Let's just go get coffee." Jaemin said as he held out his hand. Jeno looked at the hand then back up to Jaemin, confused. The younger boy giggled. "If you hold my hand you can't lose me."

Jeno understood what the younger boy wanted, and they interlocked hands. Both the boys blushed a little before continuing on with their date.

The two entered a coffee shop. The pair ordered before sitting down at a table for two.

"Your coffee is so strong." Jeno said as Jaemin took a sip. Jaemin's drink was an iced americano, but Jeno didn't know how many shots of coffee were in it.

"It's good, try it!" Jaemin said as he tilted the drink towards Jeno. Reluctantly, Jeno took a sip of the cold drink.

"Gah! It's so bitter!" he said as his face scrunched from the bitterness. Jaemin laughed at his reaction.

"It's not that bad~" he said. The boys kept talking and drinking, but soon they left the cafe and headed back into the town.


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