20 • visit

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please make sure you've read the TWs

The two boys made it to the restaurant. The whole ride felt too familiar to Jeno, who had been here before with his family. It was one of the better restaurants they went to, and he never thought he'd visit again. Though, he thought he should be strong. It had been multiple years since the accident, and he wasn't going to let it get in the way of him and Jaemin.

They soon arrived at the restaurant, and they parked their bikes outside, making sure to lock them in place. Jaemin made his way to Jeno, sneaking their hands together. Jeno noticed what the younger boy was doing and smiled at his action. His hand was a little wet due to the rainfall.

"No one will see us this late." Jaemin said as he started walking, pulling Jeno a little bit. Jeno, however, didn't move. He was too focused on the memories that began to surface again. "Jeno." Jaemin said as he squeezed Jeno's hand lightly. This small action brought Jeno back to reality. "Let's go!" the younger smiled.

That's right, this is a date with Jaemin.

The two opened the restaurant door and sat in a small booth. The smell of eel cooking gently over fire filled the room. It was a salty yet mouth watering smell, and it made the pair hungry.

The two ordered the restaurant's speciality and talked to one another, however, Jaemin noticed the older's mind was elsewhere.

"Just what are you thinking about~?" Jaemin teased, putting his elbows on the table and resting his head in his hands, tilting a little.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Jeno said, but Jaemin could tell when Jeno lied. They had been members, friends, lovers for what seemed like so long, so it was only natural for Jaemin to see through him.

"Well, im worrying." Jaemin said, moving his hand to hold Jeno's. "You don't have to tell me exactly, but I'd at least like to have some idea of why your mind is elsewhere."

"I promise you, it's nothing." Jeno said, brushing his finger over Jaemin's knuckles. By now, the rain was heavy, and the large and heavy droplets hitting the roof of the building could be heard.

"If you say so." Jaemin sighed, knowing Jeno wouldn't tell him anytime soon.

Not long after, the food arrived and the dug in. Jeno took a bite, and the salty flavour mixed in with the slightly smokey flavour coating his mouth. But it was too familiar. It brought back the memories of going to the restaurant with his mother and sister. How his mother perfectly cooked the eel, cutting it perfectly for the young children.

Tears began to form. He thought he had forgot, but he was wrong. He thought he was weak, too sensitive, not what his mother wanted to see. He took another bite, but the memories kept flooding through his mind. He wanted to run, hide, not let Jaemin see him like this.

"Jeno?" Jaemin said as Jeno left his seat and quickly fled. "Jeno!" Jaemin called, but Jeno didn't turn back.

Jeno hastily unlocked his bike and rode off in the heavy rain, it could be a storm. Jeno left his helmet, and it fell to the ground before bouncing and falling into a puddle. Jeno didn't care for his safely in that moment, he needed to go there.

Jeno kept peddling through the heavy rain. By now it was night, and the only thing giving light were the street lamps.

Eventually, he made it to his destination. He got of his bike and opened the large gate. It creaked a little as Jeno went inside. There, he made his way up eight rows and turned left, going five graves along. There it was. He sat down on his knees, not caring about getting even more wet or muddy.

"Mother, sister," he started. "Why... why, why, why. Why did I think I could get over it. I can't. I'm weak. Too weak. Too emotional. Too sensitive. Too much of a failure. It should have been me. Sister would make you more proud. She was smart, perfect in every way. She would make you more proud. But I can't get over you." Jeno wept harder, shouting his words. He thought he must have looked like a lunatic, but he didn't care. "It should have been me. Not you. Your life is worth more than mine. It's worth so much more..." Jeno couldn't say anymore. He had completely become a crying wreck, unable to compose the sentences he wanted to. His tears mixed in with the heavy rainfall of the night.

Jaemin saw Jeno's bike parked outside the graveyard. Immediately he knew where the boy was when he ran out the room, and so he quickly paid for the food and told the waiters not to worry, even though talking to an unknown waiter about why Jeno had ran off stressed him a lot.

Jaemin walked into the graveyard and saw Jeno crouched over a grave, his cries muffled by the rain. No one could hear his pain. They could only watch from afar. Jaemin held onto Jeno's soaked helmet, his grip tightening when he saw his crying lover. He wished Jeno would never be in this pain again. He felt as if that was his role as his lover.

Jaemin took a few steps forward as he made his way to Jeno. He slipped a little, but thankfully caught his balance. He then continued on, until he stood a meter away from Jeno. Gently and cautiously, he moved his hand and placed it at the bottom of Jeno's nape. The older boy jumped a little, but soon realised who it was.


"It's okay." Jaemin said as he gently stroked the boy's back. "It's okay." he reassured Jeno. At his words, Jeno felt himself crying again, a mix of sadness and his happiness that Jaemin was the man he could depend on at times like this.

Jaemin knelt with Jeno, his knees covered in mud, and allowed himself to be hugged tightly by his lover. Jeno did so, holding onto Jaemin as if he would be lost. He never wanted to go through that again. Jaemin kept his hand on Jeno's back, making sure Jeno knows he's there.

"Jeno, it'll be okay. I promise you." Jaemin said the phrase over and over as Jeno calmed in his arms. The two boys were freezing, soaking in rain, but neither felt they should leave just yet.

"I hope so, Jaemin. I hope so." Jeno whispered, barely audible, but Jaemin heard him clearly. The two hugged each other tightly, light kisses pressed onto Jeno's wet hair which calmed the boy down.

"Come, let's get back. We're both going to catch a cold." Jaemin whispered. Jeno nodded as his head pressed into Jaemin's chest. The two eventually stood up, their hands intertwined.

The two boys looked back at the grave one last time. Jaemin gently squeezed Jeno's hand, before bowing to the grave.

"Mrs Lee and Miss Lee, I will take care of your son/brother. Do not worry yourselves about him." Jaemin said as he smiled lightly. Jeno looked at him, a mixture of emotions from surprise to happiness of what Jaemin did.

"What- why?"

"I'm just promising to you, me, and your family that I will be by your side. At every hurdle, at every success, I wish to be by your side." Jaemin said, his smile wide and his nostrils flaring a little.

"Thank you." Jeno said, smiling back. Even after all the tears, he was glad Jaemin was the one to make him smile.

"Come on, let's go home."


Maybe slow updates from tomorrow because I'm back in school and there are exams :))

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