28 • rings

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It was now evening, the two boys had spent the past couple of hours organising a few belongings.

"Jeno, can you wash the bowls whilst I begin cooking?" Jaemin asked as Jeno entered the kitchen. Jeno nodded and took a couple bowls and began to wash them since they were all dusty by now.

The smell of Jaemin's cooking filled the room, creating a homely atmosphere. Once the bowls had finished, Jeno turned on his phone and scrolled to a song. He pressed play and went to his boyfriend.

"Hmm... this one's nice." Jaemin said, commenting on the song.

"Yeah, For Life by Exo." Jeno said, "I think it's a lovely song." he said, hugging Jaemin's back and kissing his cheek gently.

Jaemin turned around and intertwined his hand with Jeno's. His other hand rested on Jeno's waist, pulling him in a little.

"Care for a dance?" Jaemin asked, kissing Jeno's hand.

"Of course." Jeno said. The two began to step to the beat of the song in unison, admiring each other and the song. Of course, there were a few instances of stepping on feet, but the boys laughed it off and continued with their dance.

Once the song was over, the two stayed together, fingers intertwined. Jeno looked into Jaemin's eyes and smiled, seeing the amount of love Jaemin had for him.

"Ah wait! The food!" Jaemin said, rushing back to the stove to see, now a little too cooked, ramen. Jaemin hurriedly plated the ramen and sat them on the table.

"They're fine, why are you so stressed?" Jeno asked, grabbing two pairs of chopsticks. Jaemin stayed silent for a few seconds before finally answering.

"... I know you don't really like over cooked ramen." Jaemin said a little quietly. Jeno chuckled and smiled.

"Well don't most people like perfectly cooked ramen? But who cares, whatever you cook always tastes amazing." Jeno reassured the younger boy, quickly grabbing the ramen with his chopsticks and eating it. Jaemin smiled at his boyfriend, thinking about how lucky he was to have him, and to spend time like this.


After the food was done, and the bowls washed up, the two got changed into more comfortable clothes. Jeno wore a blue hoodie and some shorts, whilst Jaemin wore a black hoodie and some pyjama trousers.

Jeno sat on the bed whilst Jaemin was already under the covers. He scrolled through his phone before putting it on the bedside table.

"Do you want to watch anything?" Jeno asked Jaemin, stroking his hair gently.

"If you want to, but I think I'll fall asleep halfway through." Jaemin replied, yawning a little.

"Let's just sleep then, we have a lot to do tomorrow." the older boy said, going under the blanket. Once Jeno was in Jaemin snuggled up to him, resting his head on his chest. Jeno smiled at the sight, and wrapped his arms around Jaemin.

"Goodnight, Jaemin." Jeno said quietly, kissing the top of his head. Jaemin nodded in his chest, already half asleep.


Morning came round quickly, but the boys didn't wake up until around 10am, and didn't get out of bed until 12pm. They were too engrossed in each other, and the comforting cuddle they were in.

Once they were up and changed, they headed downstairs. Jaemin helped make a bowl of cereal, pouring the cereal first.

"Why do you pour the cereal fist?" Jeno said, looking over Jaemin's shoulder.

"Do you not? Wait- so you pour milk first? You're so weird." Jaemin laughed.

"No! You're the weird one. Who puts cereal first?" Jeno argued, wrapping his arms around Jaemin.

The two are quickly and headed to the living room door. The house hadn't been used in a month, and so they were worried for just how messy it had become.

"Ready?" Jaemin asked, holding Jeno's hand.

"Yeah." Jeno replied, opening the door. They were hit with a gust of dusty air and both coughed a little. The living room had three sofas - one large and two small, as well as a rug on the floor. There was a tv which might still work, and a fake fireplace. Around the fireplace was a mantelpiece, which was decorated with old photos as well as a few fake plants.

"Hey, we should save these photos." Jaemin said, taking down the frames. He noticed a bump on the back of the last photo he took down.

Jaemin looked behind the photo to see two rings, discreetly attached to the back. He inspected them a little more, and found engravings on them.

"Jeno... what are these?" Jaemin asked, heading over to Jeno who was organising a bookshelf. Jeno took one look at the rings and his eyes widened.

"They're... they're my parent's wedding rings" Jeno said, holding one of the rings gently with his thumb and index finger.

"Oh I see... they got married in 1999?" Jaemin asked, noticing the date engraved. 1999.03.05

"Yeah, they both wanted to settle down and start a family, or at least that's what mother told me." Jeno said. He attempted to put the ring on his finger, he didn't exactly know why he wanted to, but it felt right. The ring fit perfectly, hugging his third finger tightly.

"Hey, Jaemin..." Jeno said, but went silent as he tried to form the right words. "maybe... maybe we should wear the rings..?" he asked. Jaemin stood there confused.

"But... they're your family rings aren't they?" Jaemin asked, looking at the ring and then back into Jeno's eyes.

"Yeah but... I just feel like we should wear them. I don't really know why I thought about his, but I feel like the rings can symbolise us now, and not my parents." Jeno explained, "Maybe I haven't woken up yet..."

"No that's a lovely way to think about it. I just hope this fits." Jaemin said, and it did. Jaemin smiled and showed Jeno the ring on his middle finger, the same finger as Jeno.

"I think we should get the date removed though..." Jeno said. "We weren't married in 1999." he said laughing.

"Yeah as well as the names." Jaemin laughed. "We should do that when we explore the area. You still haven't shown me any of the sites here yet!" Jaemin whined.

"Yeah yeah okay, we'll go." Jeno smiled. "We can do whatever, at this point as long as I'm with you I don't care what the media think or say. They can think what they want, but as long as we're both happy I'm fine with it."

"Does this mean we can do dates during the day and not the dead of night now?" Jaemin asked happily.

"If that's what you want to do then I'd happily do it." Jeno said, pulling Jaemin into a gentle kiss. The kiss was one filled with love and admiration for each other.

"I love you... I love you so much." Jeno said, pulling Jaemin back into a short kiss. "I'm so thankful that you found me, saved me, loved me. I promise I'll love you just as much."

"I love you too, Jeno. I really do." Jaemin said, intertwining their hands with the rings on. "Now, can we please go on this date?" he said, dragging Jeno.

"But what about the house?" Jeno asked.

"We'll do it later! Come on let's go! It's warm enough for cold drinks as well! You can get ice cream too!" Jaemin said, dragging Jeno out of the house. The sun shone brightly as the two boys went outside, closing the door behind them.

"Where first?" Jeno asked, looking into the eyes of his boyfriend.

"Wherever you want to take me." Jaemin replied, looking back.


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