11 • comfortable//uncomfortable

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please read the list of TWs

"Hi, mother... sister." Jeno looked down to the small grave stone. Engraved was the name of his mother and daughter. "It's been a while since I last saw you." the boy said as he placed his white flowers on the grave. "To be honest, I haven't had time to see you. It's almost like I forgot, but don't worry, I won't ever forget about you."

Ever since he became a part of NCT Dream, he had forgotten about them. Not in a bad way, but he wasn't haunted by the memories of that rainy night. 'Maybe' he thought 'someone had saved him.'

"Mother and sister, I need some advice." Jeno started. He didn't know how to tackle the situation. How are they going to give advice? "Recently, there has been a big fight between some of my friends." friends. He had never called them friends before. Bandmates or members were what he usually said. "And I don't know what to do." he continued. "Their fighting is, as selfish as it sounds, also hurting us and the other older members. I just don't know how to solve it."

"Jeno..." Jaemin said from afar. "It's about to rain let's go." Jaemin should have not been walking around, especially in a grave yard, but he thought someone had to go with Jeno, and the other boys weren't as familiar with Jeno's situation. Sure, they had all asked about why he has photos of them, and why he never brought back anything nice after holidays, but no one knew Jeno like Jaemin.

Jeno turned around and a small smile was on his face. He turned towards his mother and sister and bowed, before leaving to go back to the dorm.

They boys sat at the back of the car, but since Jeno was reminded of what happened, he became restless. Jaemin noticed the older trying to calm himself down to no avail.

"Hey..." the younger boy said as Jeno turned around. Jaemin tapped his shoulder, signalling to Jeno to rest.

"Are you sure...?" Jeno asked slightly confused at the situation. He also didn't want to put any pressure on Jaemin.

"Just rest. You need it." Jaemin replied. Jeno became comfortable on his shoulder and closed his eyes. It felt oddly familiar. Except this time, there was that feeling of butterflies again, and Jaemin felt it too.


Once the boys got back to the dorm he noticed a smell coming from inside.

"Chenle yah! You're going to burn it." A voice from inside yelled. Chenle's laughter could be heard. The two boys headed inside to be greeted by Chenle cooking with Kun.

"Kun it'll be fine." Chenle said as he added in the spices. Kun sighed as he facepalmed.

"Oh! Jeno! Jaemin!" Jisung said as he got up from the game he and Renjun were playing. "Here, try these! Kun made them so they're obviously going to be good." he said as he almost force-fed the older boys. The boys took a bite and they smiled. Kun's cooking was indeed the best.

"Is there more?" Jaemin asked quietly. He didn't really know Kun that well and he didn't know why he was using the kitchen like it was his own. Jaemin felt someone rub his arm, as he looked up he saw Jeno who seemed to notice his thoughts.

"I'll cook more if you want." Kun said with his back turned but his face looking to Jaemin. "Go rest though, I'm sure you're tired." he smiled. Jaemin stopped worrying as much. Kun really meant no harm. Jeno helped Jaemin to his room, despite Jaemin not needing the help.

Jeno helped Jaemin rest on his bed.

"Why did you comfort me?" Jaemin blurted out. He realised what he did and blushed heavily. Jeno looked at him confused.

"You looked uncomfortable, like you were thinking about something unpleasant." Jeno simply said. "so I had to do something." he said.

"But, how? Like, how did you notice? What do I do different?" Jaemin continued to question him. Jeno crouched down so his eyes were level with Jaemin's.

"Well if I tell you, you'll try to stop what you're doing." Jeno smiled.

"Yah I won't so just tell me!" Jaemin said. He also smiled as he blushed.

"Okay, okay. You get nervous when people you don't really know are around. You become slightly shakey. I noticed first, but you assured you were just tired. However, it kept happening. It even happened when the... the fight in the training room happened, and you did it again when Kun came around." Jeno explained. Jaemin blushed harder, not like he could become any redder, but he felt like he was a tomato.

"Yeah... I tend to do that a lot." Jaemin replied after a brief silence. Jeno rested his head on the mattress of Jaemin's bed.

"You can always tell me if you feel uncomfortable." Jeno said, reassuring Jaemin. The younger boy played with Jeno's hair gently.

"I mean, I guess I could. If you're willing to listen."

"Of course I am." Jeno said as his eyes locked with Jaemin's.

"Well, I don't know what you'd call it but I never liked talking to people I've never met before." Jaemin started speaking. "Maybe I'm just really introverted. But even people like Kun, who works with us, having him being here stressed me out and I don't know why." he sighed. "I don't know, I think I'm just slightly scared of people and half the time I don't really want to interact with people at all. I feel like coffee is the only thing that gives me energy." Jaemin chuckled. "I chose the wrong job."

Jeno's eyes turned to concern, but he still looked deep into Jaemin's.

"Honestly, maybe what I'm saying is all bullshit-"

"Don't say that." Jeno said as he tilted his head back up. "Your thoughts aren't bullshit. They're your thoughts. Why would they be bullshit?"

"I... I was just thinking if I'm self-diagnosing too much." Jaemin had never seen Jeno like this. He cared so much for him.

"You haven't self-diagnosed anything. All you've done is told me how you felt, and that's okay. You're allowed to tell me how you feel without feeling guilty." Jeno reassured Jaemin.

A silence fell between the boys. Jeno started to wonder if what he said wasn't the best thing to say. Was he too harsh? Or too loud? The older boy wasn't loud, he was enthusiastic, but not in a bad way per say.

"Thank you." Jaemin said after a while. He reached for Jeno's hand and held it gently. "Thank you."

This is bad lol

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