A yeeting of time.

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Peter's POV.

It'd been almost a whole month since Peter had gotten the internship- and it had been great! Well, the internship had at least. Actually, Peter didn't really know if even that's true, the workload had been pretty heavy lately. Recently these people who Peter had never even seen on this floor started giving me their papers when he was "turn in boy",and he'd yet to understand why they're giving it to him instead whoever else they were actually supposed to. And he know for a fact that they weren't on any of the nearby floors- He knew, at least he was pretty sure he did, everyone on those floors by now. (Turns out being a fast coffee runner puts you in the good graces of basically all people ever.)

But whatever, he really hadn't thought about it much so it probably wasn't a big deal. So yeah, other than staying a few late nights to revise work, the internship had been pretty awesome! He'd even made a friend! His name was Daniel, he worked on the same floor as Peter and he says he goes to a college nearby. He don't ever really see him unless they were both on lunch break, but whenever he was they eat lunch together in the cafeteria, so that's cool!

Peter hadn't seen Mr. Stark since his first day on the job, which he wasn't sure was a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, don't get him wrong, he's bloody grateful he hasn't come down and done anything, but now it was just sitting and eating at Peter in the middle of the night so that he could continually dread it even though it  probably wasn't ever even going to happen anyways.

But whatever, he probably sounded pretty self-absorbed thinking that someone like Mr. Stark would even bother giving him a second glance huh? Mr. Stark was a busy person so he's definitely got more important things to be doing than checking on some kid who he met once- and who he probably though was suicidal. Right, getting off-topic again, the internship.

Oh yeah! Sometimes- well actually quite a lot, Bucky came down and talked to him! He came down the second time Peter came to the internship. 'Said he'd come down there the day before but Peter hadn't been there, that was when Peter explained his internship schedule to him. Peter's still not sure how he found out where he was working though...

Anyway, so he's pretty fun to talk to! Peter'd introduced him to memes and everything. And he doesn't use the incorrectly and cringe-worthily as most boomers do. Wait, was he a boomer? Peter guessed he would be, but, like, how old is he anyway? Wait- what if he was born before the boomers? Peter was going to have to look this up now.

And we're off-topic again aren't we? Peter wasn't very good at this.

Unfortunately other than the internship Peter's life's been about as cruddy as it usually is- if not worse. The Avengers were still being insufferable jerkfaces, and they weren't particularly good at witty banter or cheeky quips, so that's a downer. But most of the time Peter could avoid them and just elude them to the point of them frustratedly giving up, that was always fun to watch.

But when Peter did fight them it pretty much all the spidey-sense- duck Dr. Strange's portal, dodge Mr. Hawkeye's arrow, avoid the repulser blast that was way too close to your head to not be trying to kill you- y'know, the usual stuff. He haven't faltered yet but he didn't want to jinx himself, plus the Avengers were still annoying as all frickety fracking everything.

Then of course there's personal life- just hecking bundle of joy right there if you ask me. None of the kids at the orphanage have gotten hurt while Peter had been away at the internship- which is a gosh diddly darn miracle I've ever heard of one and of which I am exceedingly, utterly, painfully grateful. So at least there's that, Flash still sucked though, as usual- but he does seem angrier than usual. eh, that probably just Peter's imagination. Peter was pretty sure that Ned and MJ thought there was something wrong with him, mentally- always a plus for the insecurities there, so that's fun.

Right now Peter was actually currently on patrol, but seeing as he'd been searching for crime for the past about hour-and-a-half and had yet to find anything at all to put effort into, unfortunately, it seemed that crime and wrong-doing were particularly elusive tonight. So he'd taken to contemplating the last few weeks. Weighing the ups and downs.

He didn't think that Avengers were out tonight- or  at least we're out for him. He'd yet to sense them, in whatever manner that might take place. He stopped short of said contemplating when his enhanced hearing picked up a scream, from roughly... 5 blocks away, southeast? He guessed before standing up from the building he was loitering on and gathering himself up to jump.

As he launched himself off of it he thought he could hear the familiar sound of thrusters somewhere in the distance, but decided to ignore it as he assumed it was either really far away or he had just imagined it- either way, it didn't really matter. Besides, he was doing something right now. He swung in the direction of the scream in somewhat of a hurry as He scanned the area, before landing on a dumpy old lamppost in the general vicinity of the scream.

—cut to Alex yeeting time, also they say hello.—

After dealing with some creep harassing a young man, Peter called the police and checked to seen if the dude was okay- he was probably around Peter's age, when Peter was sure he was Ok he went off and up to sit on top of some building again, this one was particularly tall and in one of the more populated areas of New York, with hundreds of glass windows enveloping the walls on all sides.

As he reached the slanted top and looked out over the city, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. Looking over all of of the tiny little blurry pieces of luminescence, the recollection all of the streets and dark alleyways resurfacing in my thoughts. Although almost none of them held pleasant memories, it seemed like something to be proud that he could remember at least something from almost every single nook and cranny here. The city was his to know, and he did.

How long had it been since he'd started?

Honestly, beats him. Sometimes he wished he remember those kind of things- but Peter guessed it just hadn't occurred to him to keep track. Not that he'd really started Spider-Man on any one specific day. He'd sort of just sank into the whole thing, the spider suit consuming him like a drug.

How long since he'd started getting high on adrenaline nightly? How long since, since this weight had been pushed onto my shoulders? Was it a weight? If it wasn't, than was it just some selfish indulgence? Something that he was completely unqualified to do being f*cked up by him just because he thought he could?...

he let a sigh escape his lips as he pondered this, suddenly feeling the undeniable urge to cry his heart out and scream until his throat was sore and scratchy, sandpaper against his neck.

But he didn't, he couldn't do that.

Because Spider-Man was strong. A small voice in his head told him that that was toxic masculinity talking, but he brushed it aside- that was just my mind trying to make up excuses. This wasn't a guy thing- this ascended that, it was more. This was Spider-Man, and Spider-Man didn't cry when he had absolutely no reason to, he didn't cry because he was tired, he didn't cry because he was sad, he didn't cry because he was in pain. Spider-Man cried when there was actually something to cry over.

And right now there wasn't, he was just being weak, he shouldn't be complaining and he shouldn't be hurting. Spider-Man wasn't weak.

With a deep breath Peter scolded himself for the burning sensation in his eyes, before launching himself off of the building and into the nightmarish reality that was his life. And he stayed out patrolling until early morning.


Sorry for the short chapter! I just really wanted to update for you guys, I am working on the next chapter!

Also, comment here if you guys want Loki to be in this story, Peter might or
might not meet him next chapter. (It's up to you guys)

Also, I just wanted to say, Thank you all so much for all the support!! I really appreciate all of the comments, votes, and views! All of the notifications I get fuel me to keep writing, so thank you!

Feel free to DM me if any of you want to talk ever!

Peace out lovelies~

-note, I wrote this chapter in first person originally, so it took me forever to translate it to third person T-T

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