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Trigger warning- mild censored language, abuse (sort of).

-another Tony's Pov-

As the kid fell back he seemed to crumple into the ground, he was sobbing at this point and still shaking dangerously. Tony, not wanting to scare the kid walked up next to him not really knowing what to say. The crying didn't get better and the started muttering incoherent words, Tony could make out a few of them or at least thought he heard "shut up" or "I'm sorry" more than once.

Eventually Tony couldn't just keep sitting there, whether he knew the boy or not, this kid definitely needed to not be alone right now. So he sat down next to the boy and reached one hand behind his back before pulling him into a hug. At first Peter flinched violently, but ended up just not caring enough or having the strength to pull away.

They stayed like that until peters sobbing eventually toned down to sniffling and the occasional hiccup. "You okay kid?", and Peter was about to reply something like "Take a fucking guess.", but than became conscious of his situation, very conscious infact, and began to freak out internally again. So he just answered with a shaky "y-yea, I'm fine."

Tony then realized what a stupid question he had just asked and mentally face palmed. "..forgive me if I don't believe you..." and Peter wanted to answer "Then why did you even ask?" in a snappy tone, but decided against it, he was scared his voice would crack or stop completely if he tried to use it. It was quiet for a minute until Tony pulled away and asked "..Why?... You only look about 15 kid..." "I wasn't going to!" Peter yelped quickly, grateful that his voice was, infact, working. Mr. Stark just gave a doubtful shrug. peter glared at him.

".... Life sucks." peter said suddenly. "at least for me it does." Tony was sort of surprised, but asked anyway; "And why is that?". Peter then seemed to realize again that he was talking to THE Stark, AKA Ironman, and remembered that he was supposed to be freaking out right now. "O-oh, T-that's not important! See, um I should really be getting back home right now, so um, it was nice meeting you! Bye!" Peter said all this rather quickly and ran to the door on the roof that led back into the building. Tony tried calling to him to tell him to stop or wait, but to no avail. The boy was already gone down the staircase.

-Peter's Pov.-

'omgomgomgomgomgomg' peters mind kept ranting while he ran down the staircase as fast as possible. 'how and why did I do that? Did I just talk to Tony f*cking stark?! Did I just look like I was going to JUMP in front of TONY STARK' Peter quietly freaked out, not paying attention to the people who were trying to talk to him about standing at the edge of a three hundred foot-tall building. 'Good going peter. D*mn parker luck.' he thought and rushed out onto the street, dodging cars and making his way across queens as fast as he could, 'sh*tsh*tSh*t, I'm way late, I'm so skrewedddd' He thought as he skidded past a corner, still running at full speed.

 Finally he came to an agonizing stop in front of a somewhat run-down but still presentable looking building tucked in-between to larger ones, with a sign out front that said "kindle-stone orphanage. A slightly terrified Peter Parker walked up the porch steps and opened the door. He peeked inside and was very startled when a large, sweaty hand closed around his shirt collar. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" Ms. Benning's breath smelled terrible, and there was the distinct smell of booze wafting from her general vicinity, which peter was currently in. Peter tried not to gag and spit flew from Ms. Benning's mouth as he snarled at peter.

"I-I lost tr-track o-f time ma'am" Lord, he was a stuttering mess, and boy was he going to pay for it. " 's-s-s-sorry m-ma-am'  You'd Better be sorry you little sh*t! You know what happens when your here past curfew" The older woman mocked peter before putting on psychotic grin, peter was scared, but sighed on nodded while trembling horribly. She smirked and spat "good." venom dripping from her voice. "come with me."

A/N sorry It was so short, I didn't really realize what I was writing, hope you liked it, sort of. Don't worry Peter Does get better!! Soon-ish...

Anyway!    PEacE ouT!

Peter Parker, spider problemsWhere stories live. Discover now