The stranger

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Bucky is alive and currently living w/ the avengers, Tony had known about the whole Bucky killing his parents thing which prevented most of civil war, Tony has also forgiven him.

Warning- Some Profanity.

--W/ Peter--

The next day for Peter was pretty normal, he followed his normal morning routine,  attended all of his boring classes, and then got beat up by Flash at the end of the day. 

Luckily for him Flash never got to his face, and Peter was wearing a super baggy plain-black hoodie (he unfortunately didn't have anything better to wear), so no one would be able to tell if he was hurt! During his talk with the principal he had learned that he was to start as soon as possible. Meaning the next day. His official schedule was every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school, and today was Friday.

He ended up taking the bus to the Tower in order to get there, and lets just say that, there were some... questionable characters hanging out there. Luckily for Peter, he can take care of himself! As Peter exited the station and got out onto the platform, he noticed a large dark figure in a nearby dark alley way that seemed to be surrounded by some sort of liquid. Upon further inspection, thanks to enhances sight- Peter suspected that said liquid- could quite possibly be blood. Being the cinnamon roll he is- the first thing he did was try to get closer to this person, not knowing if they were friendly or not he was pretty sure his spider-sense could help with that.

As he got closer he was pretty sure it was  a man, probably in his mid-twenties with longish brown hair, and he was definitely bleeding out. Peter's spider sense wasn't acting up as he got closer to this man which was a good sign. "U-uhm, a-are you okay sir?" He stuttered out, not sure what to say and not completely sure that this man wasn't about to attack him. the man flinched in response as he looked up at Peter with what seemed like stone-cold eyes, though really, the man was terrified. 

--Bucky's Pov.--

I had just been taking some time to clear my head and go out on a walk, well, clear my head and get away from Steve. Don't get me wrong- I love the guy and all! It's just.. Well he seems to want to act like none of it ever happened, like I'm the same Bucky from all those years ago, but I'm not. And that stuff did happen. I can understand that it was only a few years ago for him that we were back in the forties, but it's not the same for me, I was alive during those seventy-five years, conscious, even. Even a normal person changes over seventy-five years, HYDRA or not.

But anyway, I know It's not really encouraged that I go out alone, but they all agreed that they couldn't hold me prisoner so I was allowed to. Well, from the looks of things that's not going to happen again for awhile. Turns out HYDRA wasn't done harassing me just yet. I had been jumped not to long after getting into the more run-down parts of town. They were definitely HYDRA, not bothering to hide the symbol that bore their shoulders. fortunately for me I'm a super soldier ex-assassin, and completely overpowered them, unfortunately for me they were still HYDRA and could definitely fight. And so in the process of fighting them I had been stabbed, several times. Which, really kind of sucked. 

And so, here I am, in a dark alleyway, possibly bleeding out, and really just not up for putting in the effort of walking all the back to the Stark tower. And then I heard someone creeping up behind me, like, seriously, today just is not my day. But then, I hear "U-uhm, a-are you okay sir?" The young voice surprised me and I turned around 'Please don't tell me HYDRA is recruiting kids now...' I think, though silently terrified that they might have a chance to take me on when I'm like this, plus- If HYDRA is recruiting kids, that's a bad sign, they've probably done all sorts of experiments and shit to him if they're sending him after me...

--Peter's Pov.--

"U-um, WOW that's a lot of blood" I say just speaking what comes to mind, the man now has a curious look in his eyes- But then before I can say anything else, my spider sense goes like crazy as I hear several sets of feet jump down from out of nowhere and start walking towards us, WHy!? Could today just Not be a normal day for OnE iN My FRIggIn LIfE. Today.  Really? do the fates just hate me?...

Okay, so I'm being a little dramatic. Sue me. ANYWAY- Yeah, surrounded by- wait, that's the HYDRA symbol... Crap, are they here for me? Nonononono, this can't be happening, not again- I'm not going back, Oh god what if they brainwash me, successfully? w-what if they make me hur people-No, I Can't let that happen, If I can take on the Avengers I can take on these guys, right? Well I sure as hell hope so..

Yep, I'm definitely freaking out right now, c'mon Peter, seriously, breath. And so, I took a deep breath and got into fighting stance, "Not today asshats. Not today." I mutter under my breath, trying to boost my confidence. The HYDRA guy in the front looked confused for a moment but seemed to acknowledge my fighting stance and laughed. "Really?" He looked to the guy behind me and laughed again, "Pathetic, if your going to have help at least have someone formidable, I thought you smarter than this." I was a little bit confused by this, did they think I was trying to get the guy behind me to help me? Or were they talking to him? wait- What if they're not after me! I could just leave and- but... they're bad guys right? what if, what if the guy behind me is good? What if he's just as scared of going with them as I am? I should help him, that's what I'm good at. Of course that is all if it's him they're actually talking to him and not me at all, who knows? I'm just gonna do what I do best, fight the bad guys. 

--Bucky's Pov.--

I saw the kid tense up even before the HYDRA agents hit the ground, maybe he heard them? Either way, I was Fucked. Or at least I thought I was until I saw the kid turn around and then get into a fighting position and mutter "Not today asshats. Not today." So he wasn't HYDRA? But.. He seemed to know who HYDRA was, I saw the recognition in his face when he saw the red skull on their shoulders. And he made it pretty obvious he didn't like them, wait-was he like me? Had he escaped from them to? His fighting stance seemed legit...Still probably fucked though. I heard the HYDRA goon in the front laugh and look to me, "Really?" and then "Pathetic, if your going to have help at least have someone formidable, I thought you smarter than this." I wanted to snarl at him, punch him, do something- but I think the blade that stabbed me had some sort of poison in it because my body was just refusing.

 I watched as the very same man who had stabbed me make his way towards the boy without him noticing, "Watch out! I yelled at him when it would have been to late, except that, to the surprise of not only me- before I had even finished my sentence the mans arms had been stopped in less than a split second and was now being squeezed to the point of him dropping the knife, his hand turning purple and him screaming as the boy yanked downwards while twisting his arm causing the man who had had the knife to fall very hard on the ground with so much force that he was currently unconscious.

Okay, I can work with this, maybe I'm not fucked after all...


Heyo!!!! guess who's back! And look who I've brought with me!! Bucky boy is here!! And he is officially the second avenger to meet the cinnamon roll! congratulations Bucky. Anyway, sorry for not posting in foorreeveer, but I'm back now! Happy late national Starwars day, mine was Awesome! Anyway, I will try posting regularly but I kinda doubt it'll happen, but whatever! Love u guys and thnx for all the support! We reached 1.5k+ views!! I'm happy!! and almost 150 votes! you guys are so awesome!! hope you guys enjoyed the longer chapter, oh and I also changed the cover (hope u guys are ok w/ that 2), so without further ado-


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