Dysfunctional Family.

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Tony's Pov

As Tony Watched the boy runaway and down the stairwell he tried calling out to him "Wait!", but the boy just kept running, Tony sighed and went to look down at front doors to the building. Unfortunately the sidewalks right in front of the building were crowded, making it difficult to see people coming out of the building, much less make out one specific person. Tony waited for a bit longer until he was pretty sure he had missed the boy. "oh well...good job Tony, you definitely helped soooo  much", and so Tony was left feeling pretty bitter, and he wasn't even sure Why he felt so bad about not being able to help, he just was. Oh well, that was something to worry about for another time.

Tony made his way back to the tower hoping he was in time for the ordering of pizza, because if he wasn't, than he would be doomed to eating just plain pizza!! It was horrible, no one else liked pepperoni pizza so he was the only one who ever ordered it. As he neared the tower he asked FRIDAY  to open up the window to the living room/dining room. He flew in and his suit contracted leaving a nice business suit-wearing tony Stark. He watched as an angry Pepper Potts came and walked up to him "ANTHONY STARK!! Just where have you been!? You were supposed to come to the Very important meeting where we were meeting with the CEO of-" Tony sighed and walked passed her to go to his room and change. "Tony Stark don't you Dare close the door on m-" Tony tuned out her ranting and went to put on one of his ACDC hoodies on, He then opened the door and walked out to a still very angry CEO.

"Something came up Pepper it was urgent." She rolled her eyes and said sarcastically "Was it a life or death situation?" Tony seemed deep in thought when he answered "I'm not actually sure, but I think it was, I mean he said he wasn't going to jump, but it still seemed like he was having some major issues." "Oh ha ha." Ms. Potts said unamused, but just gave up trying to scold him anyway, "I've arranged for them to come again tomorrow and you had better be on your best behavior, I don't want you ruining this for the company Tony." Tony wasn't really listening as he made his way back to the kitchen where the rest of the avengers were crowding around a computer calling out pizza requests "get me a small pepperoni will you Scott?" "sure thing Tony!" Antman replied as he was trying to make sure he had gotten everything right.

"lets watch a movie!!" Sam yelled earning a chorus of agreements from the rest of the avengers. Wanda and Sam fought over the remote until, as expected, Wanda won. She turned the TV on to see the news channel -"witnesses say that no one could Identify the boy because of how high up he was and the fact that he locked the door to the roof from the outside-"    "Could you please turn that off?" Tony asked irritated, "The news is always a downer." While that was true, Tony was really only irritated because he recognized the tower and the boy from earlier, he wasn't even sure why it bothered him. Clint agreed after seeing what was on the news. Then Pepper broke in, still mad at Tony for missing his important meeting "It's funny how uncomfortable it's making you now, seeing as you made a joke about it not so long ago." 

The other Avengers found this somewhat disturbing and Tony heard Clint mutter a "Not cool Tony..." under his breath, then Tony snapped back at her "Did it occur to you that I may not have been joking?" He glared at Pepper. Her eyes Widened slightly before looking up at the screen "I-is ...?" A somewhat disgruntled Tony simply grumbled and went to go sit by Stephen who had been reading his book quietly "Whatever, weren't we going to watch a movie?" And all of the unsettles Avengers simply nodded and muttered a bit before all sitting down.

"God you all are such a dysfunctional family" Strange commented from behind his book to Tony. "Mmmm, but you still love us" Tony smirked lovingly to his husband. Strange looked at him doubtfully, "My marriage vows said I had to love you, they never mentioned anything about your family" Tony smirked again and cuddled up to strange " You love them unconditionally." Stephen rolled his eyes and sighed, but put down his book and wrapped an arm around Tony anyway.  As they watched the movie you could  see a smile threaten to appear on the doctors face, or a smirk anyway. "dysfunctional family or not, I suppose I love you too much to care either way." Tony looked up at him and said matter-of-factly "your going soft wizard". Stephen hit him over the head slightly for this but chuckled anyway. Tony then said without looking up at him "I love you to."

Suddenly FRIDAY rung out "Boss, Spiderman has been spotted in downtown Queens".

The Ironstrange is here! (sorry Stoney & pepperoni shippers) Hope you enjoyed it! did I over do the fluff at the end? If so, sry but OH WELL!

PiZzA OuT!

 Clint: "Get a room love birds!"

Tony: "Excuse me? Who are you calling a bird?"

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