The other interns (plus Brad)

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Peter's POV.
I had just come back from one of the upper floors when my alarm for 5:10, marking the end of  my coffee delivering time. Time to start, well, Submitting projects and paper work? Erm, well it would be great if I knew how to do that.. Hey, the other interns might've done this! Welp, first I'm gonna get these computers started up. As soon as the previously dark screen lit up with color, a large tab with bold words at the top "tutorial". I let out a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, the tutorial was in fact significantly helpful! I silently thanked whoever had taken the time to make it.

According to it the tutorial, as of -I checked my watch- ten minutes ago, all staff on the adjacent four floors plus this one, had been notified that I was, well I guess the "turn in boy", any scientists who couldn't spare time turning in there work to the system just delivered their progress to me so I could do it for them!

Since I wasn't really sure what to do while I waited I just pulled out my homework from my backpack, I stayed like that for a bit before I heard giggling coming from a ways away which stood out from all of the other noise I'd heard today. I didn't want ease drop on my first day here so I mentally blocked out the conversation, but it got increasingly more difficult to do so as the giggling proceeded to get closer to my cubicle. Finally as they reached just outside of view, they quieted down, which I would've been great full for had I not been so confused at the time.

I looked up as I heard an "ahem" come from the doorway-like open space that led to the inside of my workplace, as I looked up from my work there stood a girl and a boy who couldn't have been more than a few years older than me. I could tell that both of them were trying mildly to keep a straight face, 'probably joking to each other before they got here' I though waving it off and looked at the pair nervously "Uh, hi, do you, erm, need something?" I cursed my horrible way with words. The girl stood tall and had a serious and polite tone look on her face when she said, "Yeah, were here to turn our work from last week," the boy next to her nodded his head reverently before adding quickly "O-oh yeah, also we thought we ought to tell you, that tutorial is out of date- your actually supposed to check over the work and correct it before you turn it in- just so you know, that shouldn't be a problem should it?"

The smirk on his face confused me and made me feel uncomfortable so I just nodded and asked if they had their papers. The girl was suppressing a grin as she handed them to him and the two left, as they did I could hear the breaking out into giggles when they would've been out of my ear-shot. I was left utterly curfuffled, and decently sure there was something suspicious going on with the papers I had just been handed, so I checked them over, twice- they appeared to be brainstorming and reporting test results, as I looked over the papers I noticed test results that looked, well out of place frankly and by logic seemed completely impossible, as well as some plot holes when it came to some of the ideas brainstormed, was this some kind of test? So I did my best to figure out what was going on and came up with solutions to the issues with the ideas, once I thought it all made sense enough, I got onto the computer and uploaded the work on the papers like the tutorial had showed me.

My day went on as normal and I submitted all kinds of work as well as correcting all sorts of issues- luckily most of the time it involved numbers and equations which were normally on the papers so it was nice I had the information I needed to do the work. Once my phone went off signaling it was now six, I knew that the internship was over, it really was too bad that I couldn't have opted to stay any late, I was currently dreading having to head back the orphanage. 

'Selfish, that's what you are, leaving those kids there alone with her just so you can be happy for a little while longer. Why bother? You know it's never going to last.'  The voice in my head used at me, making the guilt build up in my stomach into that familiar horrible pit 'Yeah well it's not like I can go back and change my schedule at all now, so shut up and leave me alone' I thought back at myself trying desperately to not to be affected. The voice did not, in fact, leave me alone. And I instead listened to to all of these horrible, true, things about my self all through packing up, checking out, riding the subway back to that place, getting yelled at, getting hit, going up to my room, checking on the kids and talking to the ones who were still awake, waiting for everyone to go asleep, and jumping out of my window to go Spider-Man.

'God I hate myself'

I thought wading in self-pity as I beat up some prick holding up a gun to some poor dudes head and grinning madly and most definitely drunk. As I helped the young man after webbing up the dude, I called the non emergency police number "Hello Brad dearest" I said in mock cheerfulness, "Evening darling, so what's up with you? You sound horrible." His response started out jokingly, but got increasingly concerned. I was familiar with the responder- he was ran the telecommunications in the general vicinity of my patrolling area- and his name was Brad.

He knew my name was Peter because the first time I called I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and let my name slip along with being Spider-Man. He swore not to tell anyone so we were cool. "Just some drunk-ass murder attempt, and yeah I'm not doing great, also could you do me a favor?" He responded Immediately sounding moderately concerned "Location? And of course, shoot." I glanced up at the nearest street sign "northwest on Rock and 14th- If you get some mysterious calls asking for my number, please do not give it to them, Fury sent the avengers on my tail recently and it sucks." I heard him mutter "fuck faces" under his breath and I grinned before letting out a "WaTcH YOur ProFaNItiEs" to which he replied with "Fuck you david, and I'll send someone over soon." (Yes, Brad is a gen z.) "yeah, well good bye for now Brad," I spoke into the phone with a sigh "Peace out spider boy" I roll my eyes and hang up.

I look around to the guy who was attacked and told him that the police would be here soon, and asked if he needed to call anyone, he seemed pretty shooketh, but he said he was fine and that he would wait for the Popos to get here. So I swung myself up and looked around stopping crime for a while. I did eventually run into the Avengers, I met the falcon which I guess is cool, and Hawkeye, but he's kinda lame though. Eventually I got away, and I swung back home covered in bruises, still feeling pretty depressed.

———————(line break gifted to you by Alex, they're back!)—————————————————

Sup heckers, I'm feeling depressed and invalidated today!
But It's fine I'll live, hope you like the chapter!
glad I could put on a burst of productivity.
Peace out lovely people~

Oh yeah and this'll probably be the only chapter Brad appears in, If not he might be mentioned briefly on occasion, sry I just wanted to introduce him for funzies.

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