Not again...

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??? Pov.

I'm waiting at the top of the stairs to the second floor, I can hear yelling but I'm trying not to let my mind make out the words, I'm terrified, not for myself but for Peter, This needs to stop happening, and it doesn't help that he refuses to let anyone help them, He's to D*mn selfless for his own good. Suddenly the shouting stops, and after a few seconds I hear a door open, and after a few more, I hear it slam shut. I watch, tense, as I await what I know is about to emerge from the bottom of the stairs, Ms. Benning sleeps on the first floor, so I know I don't have to worry about her coming up here first and seeing me.

Peters Pov.

My body aches all over, all I really want is for the pain to stop, please, It hurts, so much. I think of Aunt May, and uncle Ben, and then of my parents, Although I don't remember them that well because they died in a plane crash when I was only 3,  I can still remember their faces, My mom had chocolate brown hair like mine, but my I got my curls from my dad. I wonder, did any of them think that I would end up like this? Can they see me now? Can Aunt may See me? Does she forgive me? 

__Flash back__

I sat next to may's bed, She was in a hospital. She had been diagnosed with lung Cancer not very long ago, I was only 14, and she wasn't doing so great. 'I need to tell her,' I thought, 'I might not get a chance to if I don't do it now' I didn't want to think of the possibility of May dying, but she was only getting worse, so finally I plucked up the courage and squeaked out a quiet "May?" She opened her eyes and smiled at me kindly "M-May I have something I need to tell you," she looked slightly confused but nodded any way. I took a deep breath and said quietly, "May, I'm Spiderman." She smirked in humor and gave me look that said "really?'. I only looked down in shame, When she realized I wasn't joking, I looked up at her only to see a mixture of shock and what looked like horror, She choked out a "W-What?... Why?.. why Peter?..." I could see tears forming in her eyes, "Peter, you.. You can't just go risking your life like that! Peter I've seen what Spiderman does! Peter!!" I heard her yell my name as I got up to leave, I couldn't take it, I was scared, and tired, and so I just went home.

I didn't visit the hospital the next day, or the day after that, I was scared, scared to confront May. No- I was Terrified. finally On the third day i decided to get over it and face may, I didn't want our last conversation to end like that, so was going to have to talk to her eventually. 

As I walked up to the front desk I saw the lady, in about mid 50's I'd say, working there looking rather busy, so instead of interrupting her I just waited until she looked up and glared at me "You gonna tell me what you need or what?" she stated bluntly "O-oh," I said quietly, "I'm here to visit my aunt, May Parker please." The lady just sighed and typed something in the computer to her left. Suddenly she paled slightly and her eyes widened a little, then she looked over at me. "Oh sweetie.."

I was pretty sure I knew what was coming, but I didn't want to, no, I refused to believe it, I looked her straight in the eye, as I could feel the horror seeping through me, and I was pretty sure the desk lady could see it in my eyes "W-what? What's wrong with her?" I was desperate, I was begging, praying for it to be anything other than what I felt it was. "She's gone sweetie...Last night..." that was it. short and cold, no sugar coating. I could feel tears run from my eyes like small rivers, I could hear voices but I wasn't listening, I needed to get out of here, The walls felt like they were closing in, I could feel my feet carrying me out of that wretched building, I hated it, I needed to hate it, I needed something  to hate.

__End of flashback__

I sighed and I felt like crying as I walked up those stairs and remembered, but I didn't, I was used to holding back my tears. halfway up I realized that one of the orphans was at the top of the stairs, It was Amy, an eleven year old who peter happened to know very well. "Peter, your covered in bruises again, and you nose I bleeding!" I chuckled, " Your too young to be worrying this much, when did you wake up? it's 11pm," She put in a pouty face and said "I am NOT to young, and I never really went to sleep." Peter laughed again but said "Insomniac? welcome to the club," That was partially a lie, Peter could go to sleep, but he tried not to because of the nightmares. "insuwhatic?" Amy asked, confused. Peter smiled but shook his head "Nothing, c'mon let's get you to bed." and they headed up stairs.

After Peter had Tucked Amy in, he headed to his room, He parkoured over a bunch of sleeping bodies, because all of teenage boys shared one room, Peter was 16 he had been here for two years. He checked to make sure they were all sleeping- he could tell because he heard all of their breathing, which came in handy at times- he made his way over to his corner of the room right by the window, got dressed in his Spiderman costume, opened the window, and headed out to nighttime Queens. 

A/N, sorry this chapter was kind of rushed, and also sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. Hope you liked it, vote for it if you did, (you don't have to though). This chapter was also sadness, but AGAIN, It gets happier, soonish.......... I said that last time didn't I, OH WELL!

    PeAce oUT!!

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