That wasn't a lie!... maybeish, kinda...

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^^Probably not gonna write this but I thought it was a cool concept _/(•^•)\_

W/ Peter, 3rd person

The sound of the train rushing through the dark concrete tunnel flooded Peter's ears to the point of extreme irritation, but he did well to hide it because this wasn't his first time being bothered by the sound in public. He glanced to his left, the peculiar raven haired-lady seemed to be uninterestedly examining her nails- She didn't seem to be at all uncomfortable under the given circumstances, which contrasted greatly with Peter's confusion and general social awkwardness.

"So, where are you headed?" Peter asked with a tilt of his head, feeling obligated to make conversation in order to put an end to the awkward silence(well, the awkwardness might have been a tad one-sided.). The lady's eyes weren't on him as she answered, they seemed to be wandering off elsewhere inspecting the inside of the train they were in.

"Not anywhere really, I just needed to get out of my house, my roommates can be infuriating at times and I just needed some fresh air." She responded with a shrug, and to which Peter smiled and nodded in understanding.

Peter wasn't very close with the other orphanage kids, they didn't interact often minus a few exceptions- mostl of the time when he was was just when he got in between one of them and the mistress. They, for the most part, respected and liked him, (or at least he thought they did, this morning made him doubt a little bit) but he did know very well the feeling of being cramped in with a lot-too-many people and it wasn't like they always got along, so he thought he could somewhat sympathize with the lady's troubles.

"What about you? Where's a kid your age headed on a subway at a time like this?" The woman asked pleasantly, directing Peter's own question back at him. Peter pondered for a moment, not entirely sure how to answer. He probably wasn't supposed to tell strangers where he went to school, what if he just said school? Would that be vague enough? Would she be able to tell where he went if she knew where he got off? Peter's internal anxiety slowly started to build up. Well then it was a bet on whether or not she got off before he did...

Amidst Peter's thinking he heard a small laugh come from beside him, startling him out of his thoughts.

"So sorry, I fear I've made you uncomfortable- I sincerely hope you know that that was not my intention. Please, don't answer if you wish not too, I probably shouldn't have asked." The lady spoke with a small smile, Peter though he could hear a hint of British accent seep it's way into her voice. Now facing she was facing him and Peter could notice the slight bags under her eyes, hidden well by make-up. Peter was somewhat grateful that he didn't have to answer anymore. He let out his own nervous laugh before talking again.

"I-I'm sorry, I just, yeah it's kinda, 'stranger danger and all', so erm." Peter let out awkwardly, immediately regretting even speaking, wow was he bad at this. Peter made to quickly change the subject before it got anymore awkward.

"So, uh, Loki right? I like your name!" Peter spoke, this wasn't a lie. Peter really was fond of the names he's always been interested in the Norse deity, his interest had likely been initiated at the battle in 2012, of which he'd actually witnessed in person at the time. It had actually been pretty cool, even if he had almost died.

The woman looked away at this remark, a small wistful smile on her lips- one that Peter  had yet to understand.

"Mm, well I'm afraid there aren't a lot who would agree with you there." Peter's brow furrowed, confused. What? Had she been harassed for just having the same name as the dude who attacked New York? That was just messed up! Peter voiced this to the woman who only laughed, to Peter's bewilderment. Peter shrugged it off before continuing on with skeptical claims.

Peter Parker, spider problemsWhere stories live. Discover now