Regression to the mean

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W/ Peter.

Peter sighed, the joyous thoughts of embarrassing Captain America had long since become void from his mind, driven out from the egregiously long school day he presumed, the idea seeming significantly less entertaining now. Seeing as it was a Monday today, Peter would in fact be heading to the internship right after after school.

Peter had some mixed feelings about said internship- don't get him wrong! He loved it, loved going, even though he never actually got to do stuff it was still fun to see all of these other people doing it! Plus he got a ton of the theoretical schematics for a bunch of cool stuff and knowing how it worked definitely exercised his mind a lot more than school ever had.

Not to mention the pay, which was definitely a large bonus. Though it had been fun learning how to set up a checking account at the bank, Peter chuckled internally at the catastrophe of social anxiety that had been. Said catastrophe had paid off when Peter had saved enough to get one of the older, and also friendlier orphanage kids a phone.

It was one of the few things that helped his mind rest when he wasn't at home- he knew that they could call him if they wanted, if someone got hurt. He still got worried that they wouldn't call if they didn't think it was bad; the thought made him sick inside. All of the ophan's lack of self-preservation made him worry, he didn't want any of them getting hurt. At all.

Though it was nearly impossible to prevent anything from happening unless he was actually there- something the Internship made significantly difficult. He really should have though about this before even accepting the internship... Then again, it wasn't like he applied, and they didn't really give him an option.

His principal was just sort of like- 'Hey there! Guess who got an internship? Congrats, you work here now!'.

But still, he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about just not showing up to it any more, on more than one occasion.

It was probably just some selfish little voice in the back of his brain the kept him from doing so. Peter could feel the shame welling up as he was decently sure such a thing was true. It's just, it just felt nice to feel like he was actually doing something, being surrounded by technology, even if he couldn't touch it, just being productive he supposed.

Peter was just.. well he worried a lot about the late nights. He prayed every time he thought he was staying there a little too late that nothing was going wrong. Peter sighed, really he just needed to be faster. He was the only one on there floor who stayed in so late- well he probably should have expected that. He's also the youngest person there, and has the least experience. He just didn't expect there to be so much work involved.

Having to check over everything, everyone's papers! Everyone's problems and ideas- half of them seemed to lead to dead ends, plot holes. He surprised even himself when he came with solutions to them! But, that's probably just because he isn't smart enough to see them right away, anyone else on his floor could probably do all of his work in half the time he does.

Peter thought back to his little work square- to the strange people had been handing in there work to him lately, and by strange he means the people who didn't work anywhere near his floor. He was sure now that none of them he saw on his nearest four floors- he was decently sure he knew them from floors way above him- right?

Well, never mind, Peter probably didn't know what he was talking about. Maybe they just spent a lot of time in their own labs, made their own coffee? Either way, Peter was thinking way too into this and needed to just drop it.

Peter sighed as he looked up around him- he had just gotten onto the Subway to manhattan, where the internship was. Flash had beat him up again as he left school, Peter was very aware of the purpling bruise on his face, but he'd come to the conclusion that he really couldn't do anything about it though, so he'd given up worrying about it.

Peter Parker, spider problemsWhere stories live. Discover now