An interrigation performed by yours truely, Anthony Stark.

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Work in progress for what I want to make the cover^ TvT I hate shading
Tony's POV.
"Well that could've gone better," I thought miserably as I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I had definitely had better moments. As I rode up the elevator my mind wandered to the doe-eyed boy- That had to be the same boy, right? It definitely was. Probably, I'll get Fri to pull up the footage from my suit later.

'Dammit, he couldn't have had his eyes on anything but the floor that entire time could he?' I grumbled in frustration. Then I shook my head thinking to myself, what would I have expected? If that really was him, 'can't say we had the most charming of first impressions. And I can't really blame him for being embarrassed either- I am Tony f*cking Stark after all.

Anyways, I'd figure that all out later, I had things that I needed to be doing- speaking of which, I heard the elevator's bell-like ding as I arrived at the Avengers main floor. As the doors slid open I let out a sigh of exasperation. It was quite a scene to behold- the regular ongoing chaos that was the Avengers life in the Stark tower that is.

"No, I do not want to know how you got cereal on the ceiling," I stated bluntly to several of the room's inhabitants who were all yelling over each other in order to get their explanation in first, as well as the blame. As I listen to them plead their cases with zero regard for what I had just said I took a deep breath.

"No, you're all going to clean it up, together. You'll find a way- no, no you can NOT use one of my Ironman suits. I will not feed you if that is still there by dinner. That's because you are children Clint." I dismissed all of their protests, I was not in the mood to be hearing this. Glancing around looking for Cap, I noticed that Stephen was nowhere to be seen 'Probably at the sanctum' I thought.

I assumed Steve would be with Barnes. My assumption was indeed proven correct as my gaze reached one of the three sofas around the area where the T.V. was. James was sitting with one of his legs crossed over the other comfortably, Steve was in a more tense position and trying his best not to bombard the ex-assassin with too many questions.

I sauntered over and took a seat on one of the opposing couches and laid my head back on the cushiony expensive fabric. Bucky glanced over at me, his expression was an unreadable one- which is quite the feat when it comes to me. Given I had taken to deciphering the large variety of pointed looks I received over my years of being one of the most well-known persons in the world. The majority of which were unfriendly.

"So," I stated blandly, in an attempt to strike up a conversation. Unfortunately, it seemed that after several awkward moments, neither of the other two people in the room were inclined to oblige me.

"Hydra." I tried again, this time raising one of my eyebrows at the two men on the opposing couch. I refused to be the only person to take part in this conversation, one of them would have to say something sooner or later- bingo, I watched as Stevie boy nudged the Ex-super assassin in attempts to get him to talk.

"C'mon Buck, what happened? We can only help if you talk to us." He tried gently. This however surprised me, Barns hadn't confided in his 'best friend' yet?

"The hell happened to you?" I asked not-so-quaintly, but, can you really blame me? Bucky always talks to Steve. Something is up, I narrowed my eyes. Steve glared at my blunt wording and I was tempted to flip him off but decided against it, there were more important things going on.

"Well, I- uh, I got jumped and I fought some HYDRA lackeys off, there's not much else to it." The subject of my curiosity finally spoke quietly with a shrug, but he was looking down and rubbing the back of his neck. I gave my signature eyebrow arch, not convinced. Steve looked like he was going to say something when I interrupted him.

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