For now...

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--Tony's point of view--

Tony was currently witnessing the end of a very, very  stupid meeting.

"Nick, I get that you don't like not knowing things, but for goodness sake he's literally just a friendly neighborhood hero, how could he possibly pose a threat?" Tony said irritated (Civil war never happened and they don't know that peter is Spiderman)

"I agree with Stark, what has this man of spiders done to make us think he could go bad anyway?" Thor stated.

Fury sighed in frustration "Anyone can go rouge, I just want to know who to go after if this guy does" he tried to explain when Tony interrupted him again.

"Oh admit it, your just mad that you don't know something, and now your sending us after a perfectly innocent hero."

Then Cap chimed in "He is a vigilante"

Tony rolled his eyes "Oh shut it soldier boy, you'd jump face first over a bridge if Nick told you to and we weren't there to stop you."

At this point Fury was tired of the argument and stated rather loudly, "Enough. You have my orders, if you choose not to follow them then I'll find some one less sympathetic to do it instead."

He then stalked out of the room leaving Tony annoyed. Nat decided to take a side in the argument  after it was relevant " Y'know Tony, most of us agree with you, but if we don't do it then, like Fury said- he'll just send some one else, who for the most part probably won't care in what condition they bring him back"

Tony sighed, knowing she was right, so now they were assigned to go arrest and find out the identity of 'the spider man'. Tony decided it was his time to leave and exited the room, still very frustrated. As he entered his personal lab in the avengers tower, (in the top floor, the lower levels were still part of stark industries.) Friday, his AI, spoke to him "sir, there was a development while you were in your meeting" 

Tony immediately answered, "a development for the industry or avengers business?" 

"Neither sir, there's been some trouble on one of the neighboring skyscrapers, It's on the enternet sir" Friday replied

"what kind of trouble? And why didn't you tell me during the meeting?" Stark answered, mildly  intrigued.

"You programmed me not to interrupt meetings you had with Mr. Fury sir, and there is currently a boy standing at the edge of the roof of a 315- foot building, the media thinks he is about to jump sir."

Tony nearly choked, "why didn't you start with that!?" he yelled, but before the AI could respond Tony had called his ironman suit and was already heading out to find the building.

"Friday, which building?" Friday immediately responded with; "4705 center boulevard sir" 

Tony flew as fast as he could until he saw the boy, he was skinny, some what small, and couldn't have been more than 15 or 16 years old. "KID!" Tony yelled, but the boy didn't seem to hear him. He yelled again but to no avail, infact, as he got closer he could see the kid take a step closer to the edge and lean just barley forward "KID WAIT!"  He finally landed on the roof, he was so close he could see the kid shaking violently and he knew he wasn't the only one who was more than a little scared right now "kid, wait, please" he said quietly still keeping his distance so as not to panic him more. And then, as if by a miracle, to his great relief the boy fell, but thankfully not forwards.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief,

He was okay- for now at least.


Welp! hope you guys liked chapter two,  also yes I know, this has been done before, bUT ShOoSh. I wanted to do it so I am. anyway, Thanks for reading! don't worry the cinnamon roll gets better I promise! so without further Ado, 


Peter Parker, spider problemsWhere stories live. Discover now