From Past to Present

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Wilhelm explains to Audrey about the Void (After his explanation, there's a time skip to around the time of my fanfic White Skies).

"The Void?" "Yup. You fell through a portal and landed in the Void. If it wasn't for me and Kaiser, you'd have probably died there." "Hod you get there?" "Me and Kaiser opened our own portal. We were there to find a cosmic relic of the past, and then we found you." "Well, where am I?" "The outer rim of Cyrodiil."

"Cyrodiil? Never heard of it. Look, thanks for saving me and all, but I need to find Eyela." "Who?" "You don't know who Eyela is? She Eya's angel?" Ring a bell?" "Nope, never heard of them." "What about the prophecy of the hero slaying the Overseer's?" "Nope. Only prophecy I know of is Tiber Saxon killing Alvir the dragon."

"Have you heard anything about bard and a witch running around?" "No, sorry." "Who's Tiber Saxon by the way?" "A knight who killed thousands of beasts in his life. At the end, he took several artifacts he collected and placed them in different places throughout the Multiverse. If reunited, the relics will unlock the secret to true power."

"Well, what universe are we in right now?" "Earth 818, but by the sounds of it, you must be from a different one." "No, this can't be real." "Sadly it is." "So am I stuck here forever?" "Maybe. We can try getting you home." "Okay, whatever it takes I'll do it."

Present Day

(After a grueling and painful month, Wil was able to help Audrey get back to Earth 17, where Hama and Miriam were still trying to find her. They all met, but Audrey decided to stay with Wil and fight by his side. Hama and Miriam accepted this, but also found out how to go to Earth 818. Wil introduced Audrey to the Crusader Corps, which she joined. Now they're hunting all of Tiber Saxon's relics and fighting the Thalmor and their allies).

Wilhelm and Audrey had just taken the castle and killed all the enemies within, freeing all the prisoners simultaneously. They'd found robots that cleaned the castle and had them clean. Wil and Audrey stripped all of the enemies corpses of their armor and put the armor into one of the castles armories along with their weapons, and any intel they had. They threw the bodies over the edge of a nearby cliff, making land into the river below.

"Well, that's the last of 'em" Wil said. "Thank Eya. I thought my arms were gonna fall off. Since we conquered this place, what're we gonna name it?" Wil thought back to his childhood of playing Wolfenstein The Old Blood, seeing how the castle and Castle Wolfenstein looked very similar, however the castles front entrance didn't have any cliffs or gondolas, as those were around the side entrance.

"Castle Wolfenstein. And that village down there is now Paderborn." "Castle Wolfenstein it is" Audrey said. They removed all Thalmor propaganda from the castle, with the people of Paderborn following suit. Everyone began hanging Crusader Corps or Allied Front flags in place of Thalmor flags.

Wil then used a portal stone to reach the very top of the castle and planted the Crusader Corps Wolf Legion flag, which consisted of a wolfs face with a gold cross painted over its face. Wil then got onto the PA system, which connected all of the castle and all over Paderborn and said "People of Paderborn. You are free now, go about your normal lives, and be prepared for the possibility of a Thalmor attack."

Wil and Audrey then walked around the castle. "So, are we gonna inform the Corps?" "Already did, but not just them, I informed the entire Alliance. but they're not coming to the castle, only Paderborn." "Why?" "Cause this is our castle, and no one else's." "Sounds fair." A knocking came from the front entrance, which they were near.

"Major Gray, good to see you." "Likewise. You said you had some intel." "Yup." Wil and Audrey then handed him all the intel that they'd found. "Thank you, this'll help the Corps and the Legion more than you know." "No problem."

Wil, Audrey, and Kaiser all looked in the prison to see if they missed anyone, which they did. It was a guard. Wil grabbed him and slammed his head into the wall and threw him to the ground. "Listen here you sick fuck. Give us a reason not to kill you, or our wolf friend here is gonna eat all the flesh from your bones." "Is that a Loth-wolf?" "5 seconds!"

"I can give you all the information you want, I swear!" "Alright." Audrey then punted him in the head and tied his wrists together. They dragged him all the way to Paderborn, where they handed him off to the Allies for further interrogation. Wil then called all of the castle droids, asking if there was still anyone in the castle, to which they replied no.

"Any Thalmor in the village?" "Only one, and he's not Thalmor. He's a member of the Penitus Oculatus." "Don't give that one any special treatment, torture him as soon as you get him in a cell. Oculatus troops are responsible for murdering innocent people. After you're done, cripple him below the neck and leave him in the forest for the wolves." "Yes sir."

"Hopefully he'll tell us where Maro is" Audrey said. "And if not him, than hopefully Gaius." "How could the Oculatus betray the Legion anyway?" Audrey asked. "Because when they elected the new emperor, the Penitus got scared because they thought that the emperor would try them all for their war crimes. The Thalmor didn't care about the crimes and invited them to join them. So they did out of fear."

"I hope we get to kill Maro." "If anyone's doing it, it's me." "I know, I just hope we get to make them either face justice, or kill them." "Either one's fine with me." "Agreed."

When they got back into the castle a portal opened. "Oh fuck, I hope it's not any of those White Skies Defenders" Wil thought. But it wasn't, it was Hama and Miriam.

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