The Two Priests Part II

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"So, what's the Reach like?" Yang asked. "It's not exactly the safest." "Why's that?" "The Foresworn." "Who're they?" "Daedra worshippers, you most likely call Daedra demons. They kidnap people to use in their messed up rituals. What they do is, well... not conversation worthy. When I was growing up in the Reach, me and my brothers could hear them howling in the night. Thankfully they never broke into our house."

"Weiss told me that something bad went down at your old house. What happened?" "It's not exactly something I wanna talk about. All I can say is that there was blood. Now I got a question for you." "Okay." "Back when it was just me and Weiss were in Dawnstar, she told me that you and Blake used to be together. That true?" "Yeah. Why? You have a problem with that?" "No, I just wanted to know. Look, I mean I've only ever been around two gay people, but I've never exactly been around them that much. It's just still somewhat foreign to me. Sorry if I made you mad." "It's fine."

"Weiss said you guys had a falling out." "We did. I guess we just wanted different things. Maybe we both wanted to be with other people." "So you're bi?" "Yeah." "Weiss told me you lost your arm, but it doesn't look like it." "I did, but I got a robot one, then I got a robot one that looks human." "Cool."

"I gotta ask. What was between you and that girl Charlotte?" "I'm not comfortable talking about that." "C'mon, talking about things helps me feel better." "Unfortunately I'm not you." Wil then moved ahead. Yang went silent, realizing that she'd hit a major nerve.

Eventually they got to the Markarth stables and went into the city. When they went in they saw a man in miners clothing with a knife. He was sneaking up to woman in a blue dress, about to stab her. "The Reach belongs to the Forsworn!" The man shouted. Wil turned him around and disarmed him, and then slit his throat with his own knife. "I die... for my people" The dying man said. Wil dropped the knife and looked around at the people staring at him. "What?" He asked.

The people around were now afraid. "First the forsworn kidnap people and raid caravans, and now they're in the city?" A citizen said. "You... you save my life. Thank you." "Any idea why he attacked?" Yang asked. "No, I was just buying something for my sister in the Imperial city." "He said something about the Forsworn" Wil said. "So it's true, they really are here." "Let's go tell the Jarl" Wil said. "Move along citizens" A guard said. "A guy just tried to kill that girl." "I said move along! You shouldn't be sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." "Alright." "I thought so, now move along."

"So that was that a Forsworn?" Yang asked. "Just barely, he must've worked in the mines, that's where the prisoners here go. The real Forsworn are much worse." They walked to Understone Keep and went to the Jarl. Wil walked to the throne but was stopped by the Jarls housecarl. "Who're you to approach the Jarl?" She said. "Oh come on Faleen, you know me." "Alright, just don't get any funny ideas."

"Jarl, there was an attack in the marketplace. The man was involved with the Forsworn and nearly killed a woman. It was the Forsworn." "Really? I'll need to double the city's security. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Wilhelm." "No problem. By the way, do you know if a moth priest has been around?" "Sadly I don't. Maybe try the Silver-Blood Inn." "Thanks."

"Silver-Blood Inn. Let's go." Wil went over to the bartender and ff the moth priest had been there. "No, I don't know where one would be. Maybe Dragon Bridge." "Thanks." Wil got a bottle of Black-Briar Reserve and began drinking. Yang gave him a questioning look. "Don't act so oblivious, everyone knows I drink." "I thought that was a joke or a lie, I didn't think it was true." "Well it is. Want some?" "Not really." "Suit yourself."

Wil quickly finished it and got up. "Thanks for the drink. Let's go to Dragon bridge." As soon as they walked out night had fallen and it was raining. After awhile of walking Wil stopped and said. "I'm not an idiot Yang." "What? What're you talking about?" "I know you didn't just randomly choose to come with me, you had a purpose. So why'd you come?" "Okay. How did Charlotte die?" "What?!" Wil was absolutely furious. What made her ask that?

"I-I don't even know how you can ask that! I really don't! Why do you even wanna know?!" "Look, everyone in the group is worried about this." "About what! That I never got to go to her funeral?! That I don't even know where her grave is?! Or wait, I know. The fact that I can't just forget what those animals did?!"

"Wil I'm sorry." "Sorry? You're sorry?! That doesn't change anything!" Yang then spoke up. "This isn't fair Wil! None of this is! I'm trying to help you and you're just not doing anything about it!" Wil quickly went from anger to sorrow. "You just keep pushing everyone away when all we're trying to do is help you, but you're too stubborn to let us!" Wil looked down

Wil was about to lash out again but remembered his Earth 2 counterpart and how angry he could get. He was never gonna be like his counterpart. He surrendered to reason. "You're right Yang, you're right. I push people away because... every time I try to talk I just feel more and more darkness wash over me. I can't keep myself from breaking. I hate it, but it's the only option I really have."

"It doesn't have to be like that Wil. Like I said, we can help you through this. We can keep you from losing yourself." Wil looked at his right hand, staring at his missing ring finger. He then stared back up and saw Yang with a worried expression. He exhaled. "I'm sorry." Yang hugged him. They both then walked on.

While making their way to Dragon Bridge, Wil spotted his old house. He remembered what happened to his father. His father had never shown real love, but Wil believed that he should be given a proper burial anyway. He remembered something that father James had told him. "Even in the worst of times, try to show kindness." His father was gone, so the least he could do was bury him.

Wil went into the house with Yang following. He went directly up to his parents old room while she walked around. "So this is where you grew up?" "Most of my childhood. After I ran off I went back to Drakon and became a Crusader." "You and all your brothers lived in one room?" "No, there's another room too." "Can't believe you have so many brothers." "Neither can I. Secrets did not exist in those rooms."

Wil walked over to the wheelchair and found his father's corpse slumped in it. He looked at his head. His head had surprisingly not blown off, but it was a mess, with a part of what was left of his brain being exposed. Wil picked up his body and carried it out. Yang saw the body and recoiled in horror. She looked in the room and found the shotgun. She picked it up, after noticing the blood stains on the windows.

Wil grabbed a shovel from the basement and went out to the yard. After he wrapped his fathers head in cloth. He looked over at Emperor's grave and decided to bury his father right next to him. While digging Yang put the shotgun on the ground and asked "Why'd he do it?" "He had a stroke and was living in agony. So, I gave him an out. Live in squalor, or escape. And obviously, he chose to escape. I don't know which part of the other side he went to, but what's done is done."

Wil finished burying him and built a makeshift cross and walked away. He spotted Charlotte's old house and smiled, until he saw the lights on inside, and a flag with the swastika on it. "Nazis?!" Wil yelled. It began to thunder. He swiped the shotgun from Yang's hand and began walking up the hill. Charlotte was Jewish, and to know that Nazis had moved into her old home was a disgrace. Now Wil wanted revenge.

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