What He Really Saw

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The group ran across the field to the trench. Wil handed a Coalition soldier the turret. The soldier and several others got out of the trench and began to charge. Wil mounted his stallion, Icarus, and began riding towards a nearby abandoned church. He looked down at Audrey and waved, Audrey gave him a thumbs up. "Paz, you go up there and help him. I don't think I can trust him on his own."

"Audrey, we're all adults, I'm sure he can do it alone." "Well, it'd be better if we had two." "Ugh, Fine." Paz then ran to the church and climbed to the top where Wil was. "What're you doing up here Paz?" "Helping you out." "Okay. You know what to do."

They both attached the scopes to their rifles and began firing. Enemies began to drop like flies thanks to their accuracy and speed. While they fired, the Coalition and Crusaders ran at the Thalmor. Wil pulled out his whistle and used it. Suddenly, Loth-wolves arrived to the fight and began tearing the Thalmor apart.

Wil and Paz went down the ladder and ran into the fight. While they ran, Kaiser sprinted into action. Wil grabbed Paz and jumped onto Kaiser's back. They rode into battle, with them jumping off ask Kaiser began attacking the Thalmor. "Took you two long enough" Audrey said. "Oh shut up and let's do this."

A Crusader brought a large turret into the battle and began to open fire, sending the Thalmor running. "Get them!" "Ura!" Mortars then fired, killing many Crusaders and Coalition soldiers. "Audrey! Let's go!" Wil and her jumped onto Kaiser's back and rode to the mortar crews position.

They all began attacking, cutting and tearing them apart. After the crew were dead, Wil and Audrey turned the mortars around and fired. The Crusaders and Coalition soldiers ran over to their positions. Wil grabbed a few soldiers and put them on mortar duty.

After several hours, the battle came to a finish, with no Thalmor left. "Maybe they heard what happened last time we won" A soldier said. "Probably. It's either that or they just wanted to go down fighting instead." The soldiers then collected the wounded.

"What's next?" Ruby asked. "We go back and wait for orders from Major Gray, just like usual" Audrey replied. "Hold on. You said that Malick would be the major enemy here. Why're we fighting Thalmor instead?" "The Thalmor are in the way. It won't be long till we get to fighting Allegiance. We're gonna have to fight our way to the Tower of Mars. Once we beat Malick, we'll deal with the thing that Alec saw in the Scroll." Alec was then nervous. "You alright man?" "I'm fine."

Alec became nervous from hearing his vision from the Scroll brought up. When he thought about it, it'd put him in a state of anxiety and depression, and it'd been like this ever since he first had the vision.

They got back home, where Alec quickly went to his room in an obviously nervous fashion. Yang noticed his nervous behavior and followed him to his room. Alec had sat beside his desk and had his hand on his head. "God damnit" He said. "Okay, whenever someone brings up that whole thing with the scroll, so what's going on?" Yang asked.

Alec looked away, afraid of answering. "Answer me or I'll break all of your bones!" Yang said angrily. "I saw the end of the universe! Happy now?!" The house went completely silent. "I saw a nine headed dog that was burning. It said that it'd be the one to end the world, not Herma-Mora. It showed me what was gonna happen. I was in this weird valley or something. There was this weird mist. Every time I found someone, they'd say that they were exhausted and couldn't do anything else."

Alec looked down. "Then they'd say "Courage is useless" and they'd get taken away by some demon thing. I kept running through, hoping to find some kind of exit, but I saw Charlotte and Kimby. I tried to get them to come with me, but then I got caught by some black mass. It.... It had arms coming out of it, but nothing else. No eyes, no mouth, no legs, nothing. Just... nothing. Then, the arms wrapped me in a cold embrace. And then, I came back to reality."

"That's not gonna happen. We're gonna stop it." "No Yang! No we're not! The universe is doomed and we're not strong enough to save it. Even if every sentient being in this universe worked together to stop this monster, they'd end up in the same situation I was in. We'd be sent to that hopeless void and be wiped from existence. Then, this universe would restart, and we wouldn't exist."

"So that's it! You're just giving up?!" "It's not my problem anymore. I'm done." "The world almost ended before, but me and my friends stopped that. If me and my friends and could stop that, with us working together, we can stop it again." "Did you not hear what I said?! This thing can destroy the entire universe, not just one world."

"We should at least go down fighting." Alec looked down. He then exposed his scar. "You're right. May as well die trying." "That is one gnarly burn. What happened?" "Forging accident. I hide it because it's an eyesore. But, Audrey said I should stop hiding it, just like she doesn't hide hers." "Really? I've never seen a scar on her." "It was from a lightning strike, it's on her back, and it worse than mine."

"I heard all of that you prick!" Audrey yelled. "Sorry!" "Well, you can't just leave everyone in the dark. We all need to know what we're up against." "You're right. Get everyone. I'm gonna tell them everything."

Once everyone was gathered, Alec explained everything, and showed his scar. "So that's it? It's the end of us?" Pyrrha asked. "I wish I was lying. It was all real." "So, what now?" Ren asked. "We fight until we die" Wil said. "So, we're doomed?" Nora asked. "Yes. But Wil's right, we should at least try to stop it." "Aw shit, here we go again" Audrey said. "If we're lucky, we'll win" Hazel said. "We can do this" Jaune said. "Look. From this point on, every step we take is gonna lead us to that monster that Alec brought up." "What do we call it?" Weiss asked. "Don't know. Never told me it's name." "How about the dog is Corvus. And the arm monster is the dread beast."

Everyone then agreed on the names and the objectives. "Like I said. We deal with Malick first, then we deal with Corvus and the Dread Beast." "I guess" Blake said. "Alright. As of right now, the entire universe is in our hands, and we've gotta save it." "We will save it" Nora said. "Alright. We're in agreement. Let's just get to bed. Especially you Alec. That lovebird of yours is waiting to meet you in Saxony tomorrow." "Shut up Wil!"

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