Fort Dawnguard

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While on the way to Fort Dawnguard, and Weiss remembers who Elias and Elizabeth are.

Wil and Audrey ran around the castle, finding everyone from the group. "There's a group out hunting vampires, we're gonna hunt them, you in?" Surprisingly, everyone said yes, even Weiss. Weiss began to look at Elias more, believing he was familiar. Then it hit her, he'd denied her flirt that night several years ago, and chose Elizabeth over her. She was mad, not because he left the party, but because of why he left. She was mad that he chose Elizabeth over her, that they'd insulted her, and that they'd somehow gotten married.

Wilhelm gathered the group and led them  on the expedition to Fort Dawnguard. It wasn't gonna be a quick journey, because it'd take a couple of days, due to the portal stones now being inactive. "Why aren't these things working?" Audrey asked. "Probably something to do with Malick" Wil said. "He's probably trying to trap everyone around so they can get killed by the monsters out here." "Sick bastard." "I know."

"I'm sorry to break up the conversation, but what's this whole Dawnguard thing about?" Weiss asked. "It's simple. Vampire hunting." "And what does that have to do with us?" "Wanna become one," Audrey asked. They all arrived at a gate with some guards outside. "Sorry, no one can enter without paying the toll." "Toll for what?" "For entering our city." "Well Nerk, I don't know what you're talking about, but if you want your "exploits" revealed to the Jarl, then-" "Okay, okay. Go on in." The gate then opened.

"Exploits?" Ruby asked. "Long story" Audrey replied. "Well, what happened?" Yang asked. "You don't wanna know." "I kinda do." "Like I said, you really don't." Wil spotted a man leaning against a wood post. "Maul." "Wil. What is it this time?" "I need to get into the Ratway." "Talk to Brynjolf." "Alright."

Wil led them to Brynjolf. "Keep an eye on you pockets. The Thieves guil live in the ratway, and are not even above robbing kids" Wil whispered. "Wilhelm, what is it lad?" "I need to get to Delvin." "What for?" Wil then held out a mysterious piece of cloth with some kind of drawing on it. "Go in through the graveyard entrance." "Got it. Thanks."

Wil led them to the graveyard entrance and stopped them. "This is where we gotta separate." "Why?" Blake asked. "Well, the Thieves Guild is a pretty hostile group, and I don't think any of you are intimidating, except Yang. "What? Why can't me and Elizabeth go?" "You guys may have elemental staves, but these guys rely more on looks." "Alright, I'm in" Yang said. "Let's go."

Audrey pressed the button in the middle on the guilds shadow mark on the casket which made the tombs floor move backwards, revealing a stairway with a door. "Elias, Elizabeth, stay with them, and don't separate." "Got it." Wil and his group then went into the Ratway Cistern. "What the hell are you doing down here a thief asked. "Relax Sapphire, we're only here to talk to Delvin, and we didn't wanna get anyone in trouble."

Wil and his group went through the fake cabinet and went into the Ragged Flagon. "Wilhelm and Audrey, it's been a while. I see you brought Kaiser, and a... friend" Vekel said. "Don't worry, she's trustworthy" Wil said. Wil then went over to Delvin. Wilhelm had never actually seen or met Delvin so this was a first meeting. "You Delvin Mallory?" "Depends. Who's asking?" "Your brother Glover sends his regards."

"Glover? You know Glover? Sit down." Wil sat across from Glover. "How do you know Glover?" "I met him in Solstheim." "How is he?" "He's fine, especially since the mines have reopened." "Good. So what you need?" "Tell me, what is this?" Wil then showed him the mysterious cloth. "This is a safe shadowmark and a protected one too. I know this. This is a safe house near Solitude. How'd you find it?" "We visit there often. When we knocked on the door, a weird eye showed at the peep hole and just stared." "Well, since you've helped us out before, show the eye this."

Delvin handed Wil a knife with all of the Thieves guild shadowmarks on it. "Thanks" Wil replied. He gave him a large bag of silver and left back through the graveyard entrance. Wil then led the whole group to the Bee And The Barb tavern. Wil went to the bar and asked "We're looking for fighters to join the Dawnguard, you know anyone?" "Well, there's Marcurio, he's at the bench near the other door." "Thanks."

Wil and Audrey walked over to him. "Yes?" "There's been a recent threat of vampires here in Skyrim, and we're looking for fighters. How'd you like to join the Dawnguard?" "Hmm, I'll think about it." "Alright, the fort is near the beacon of Stendarr." Wil and the group then left Riften.

After a long walk, they finally made it to Dayspring Canyon. They saw a young man out of breath. "Alright there friend?" A voice asked. Wil, Audrey, Elizabeth, and Elias turned to see their friend Lawrence. "Lawrence!" They then hugged him. "It's good to see you too my friends, but we can catch up inside. Like I said, you alright there?"

"Yeah" The young man said. "Just give me a second." Audrey handed him her canteen which he drank from. "Thanks. My name's Agmaer, I'm her to join the Dawnguard. I heard about the vampires and I figured I could either let my people get taken and murdered in the night, or do something about." "That's why all of us are here." "Mind f I go up with you? I'm too nervous to talk to Isran alone." "Sure."

They all ran up until Wil and Audrey heard a familiar voice. "Ah, you made it." "Good to see you Durak." "Likewise. And it seems you found some others willing to fight." "There was another guy we asked, but he said he'd have to think about, it's understandable though, he is a mercenary." "Mercenary? Pfft, don't rely on the word of a mercenary, they only go to where money is. Real fighters go in for free."

Audrey then noticed his crossbow. "Why're you using a crossbow instead of a rifle?" "Rifles may be effective against your ordinary enemy, but not against vampires. It takes a different type of ammo to take them down. You two got crossbows?" "Yup." "How about your friends?" "We're gonna get to that." "Don't take too long."

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