The Morning After

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I decided to delete the original version of this chapter, mainly because I've kind of been failing write this story in the way I should. I should be focusing on what this story is really about. Audrey Redheart and Wilhelm Lincoln going on crazy adventures as mercenaries and fighting the Thalmor, the Penitus Oculatus, and the Berserkers. I wanna go back to that, but I can't just go back to that immediately, I gotta slowly get back to that. This chapter will also be shorter than most.

Wil woke up without a hangover, even after all the Sujamma, a Dunmer liquor that he'd drunken. He noticed the several bottles of Sujamma on a nearby table. But only three of the seven were empty, and the third was only a third empty. Thank God. He got up and took a shower. When he got out he put on his clothes and went out sat on the nearby couch. "Long night?" Boris asked.

"If you call getting hammered and waking up to several bottles of Sujamma out and not remembering how they got there then yeah." "Welcome back to the world of the sober." Wil chuckled and looked at his phone. Only 8am. How was it that early? Blake then came out of her room and sat next to him.

"You alright about what happened yesterday?" "We saw some gruesome stuff yesterday, but it's not new to me. If anything, we should be worried about Edward. Speaking of which, where is he?" "Pyrrha helped take him back to the Champions Isles" Nerk replied. "And Alec?" "Back at your place in Georgia. Said he had to try and calm down about what happened."

"I think it's time we leave" Wil said. "Thanks for getting me out of Black-gate. Don't know how much longer I would've survived" Colt said. Wil shook his hand and took Blake to the portal stone outside the city. "One hell of an adventure" Wil said. "Let's never do something like this again." "Feelings mutual."

When they arrived in Georgia they found Alec visibly on top of a nearby mountain. He was near a dragon who was meditating with him. "Alec!" "Yeah?" "It's time to go." Alec climbed down and went with them back to the Isles. They saw Pyrrha helping Edward into a wheelchair and helped him to his room.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Edward had no answer. He'd only respond in head shakes or thumb signals or by writing things down, but he didn't even do that. "If you need anything just let one of us know" Pyrrha said as she walked out, closing the door behind him. He then pulled out his journal and began writing.

"If only I could've saved Mike before the explosion, then he'd still be alive, and I'd still have my leg. The only reason I went mute is because of all the bullying from childhood, even when I opened up to my friends, they'd stab me in the back and use my demons against me, but not Mike. He was the only one who I could consider my friend. He was the only one I could actually use my voice to talk to. Now, I don't think I'll ever talk again. I'm not just angry. I'm scared. I'm scared of being hurt again. The only thing I can do is cry in silence. But I can't show them, because they'd be like everyone else. I can't show weakness, only anger to protect myself. I lost my best friend. The only one I could actually say that I loved and consider my family. In truth, I didn't wish we were both alive. I wish it'd been me."

Now there were a few tears on the page. He closed the journal and threw it across the room, knocking over a picture frame, holding a picture of him and Mike as kids. This only made him feel even worse. He went into his closet and grabbed a collection of belts and tied them into a makeshift noose. He checked to see if they'd stay together and support his weight when he used them, and they did. He then thought "I can't do this, at least not yet." He put the make shift noose in his closet and tied it around a pipe. He then grabbed his journal and wrote something that explained how he felt in a forthright way in large letters.

"I have no mouth, but I must scream!"

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