Mercenary Business

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(I realized that I've been mixing up the name Idryis with the name Idris. I'm gonna try and make sure that never happens again. Thanks for reading).

Wil, Audrey, and Kaiser ran out of the city and into the valley, clearly trying not to waste time. They stopped and looked at the bounty letter. "Where's it say the Minotaur is?" Audrey asked. "It says that it's in Bluestone Cave." "Bluestone Cave? Weird name." "Let's go."

They ran alongside the roads, following the signs to hopefully come across the cave. "Does it even say where the cave is?" Audrey asked. "If it did, we wouldn't be running around like headless chickens. Hopefully we find someone who does know."

While looking around, they came across a wanderer. "Hey, could you help us out?" Wil asked. (If you play Skyrim, then you may know who this is). "Hello there, fellow traveler. One itinerant minstrel and wandering wastrel, at your service." "We're trying to find Bluestone Cave. You know where it is?" "I actually passed it just five minutes ago. I can show you if you'd like." "Sure, thanks."

"What's a bard doing out here?" Audrey asked as they neared the cave. "The best tales are those of adventure. Who could truly write such a tale without first experiencing such?" The bard replied. Wil and Audrey pulled their rifles and aimed for the Minotaurs head.

They both fired, sending the Minotaur to the ground. Wil and Audrey bumped fists, until more loud sounds came from nearby. More Minotaurs. "Oh shit" The trio said in unison. They immediately went into action, with Kaiser jumping from a bush and tearing at one's leg, While Wil jumped and chopped its head off. The bard stabbed one in the back of the knee and kicked it, causing it to kneel in pain, then he slit its throat. Audrey charged her sword and struck the Minotaurs with lightning, giving all four of the group an opening to kill them.

The fight soon finished, with the four still standing. "Thanks for showing us where those things were" Wil said as they walked back to Stockholm. "No problem." "Since you helped us, want a split of the winnings?" Audrey asked. "I'm flattered, but no thank you." "We gotta repay you somehow" Wil said. "You can repay me by helping me get to Stockholm. I'm going there to play at the inns and such." "Alright, follow us."

After they got to Stockholm, they shook hands and the bard left towards an inn. "Reminds me of Hama" Audrey said. "He really does. Except that guy didn't show up to our castle and tell us where one of Tiber's cosmic artifacts was." "True. Let's go grab the money."

As it began to rain heavily, Wil, Audrey, and Kaiser went off to the palace to find Idryis' steward, Hernan. "We've killed the Minotaurs at Bluestone Cave, and we're here for the reward." "There was more than one? Wow, it seems we didn't scout enough. Anyway, you've done us a great service, here's your reward." He then handed Wil and Audrey two thousand silver each. Wil and Audrey sent Kaiser back to Wil's room, and then left the palace and into a bar.

They ordered more beer and sat in a booth. Unfortunately, they were getting eyed from a man who had his hood up. It was him. Of all people, why did it have to be him?

 Of all people, why did it have to be him?

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(Metz from COD WWII).

Robeart Metze (Pronounced Row-Bear Met-ze). He was the man who'd been hunting them for almost half a decade. The man was a relentless mercenary, who did what you asked without question, no matter age, no matter how gruesome, and no matter how difficult. Even though he'd pick up other contracts while still pursuing one, He would continue the job until it was finished. He always got the job done, no matter how good or bad. And one of the worst parts of it all, is that he refused to break contracts, unless the one who hired him told him so, and if you didn't give him the money, you'd have to pay in one way or another.

Wil leaned over to Audrey and whispered "He's here." "Who?" "Him." "Oh shit. I thought we were done with him. What do we do?" "Wait for him to make the move." "Why don't we just fight him right here, right now?" "We'd be putting everyone in here in danger. Plus, he'd dodge everything we throw at him. Every time we've waited, we've come close to beating him." "Ugh, alright fine. Sometimes you're a huge buzz kill." "And you're horrifically arrogant."

A man got up and walked out of the bar, and Robeart followed. As Robeart walked out he looked directly at Wil and Audrey and flared his nostrils. The man walked down the alley to get home. "Excuse me. Mr. Morton?" "Yes?" "I'm here to deliver a message." "What would that be?" "Ich spreche für die Toten." "I'm sorry, I don't know my German well." "I speak for the dead." Morton froze in horror, knowing where he'd heard those words before. He now knew that his own nephew had betrayed him. Robeart then pulled his Cold Woodsman from his coat and shot him in his left lung, sending him sprawling to the ground. He then walked over to the mans corpse and shot him in the head.

People began to scream and run away as Robeart lit a cigarette and walked further down the alley, calmly leaving the scene of the murder. The Stockholm guard quickly arrived to investigate the murder, finding no evidence of the killer. Even the .22LR shells had nothing to tell. Wil and Audrey knew he did it, but if they said the truth, there wasn't enough evidence to make an arrest or a conviction. Once more, Robeart got away with murder.

Wil and Audrey looked down the alleyway and noticed a girl with multicolored hair who was carrying a pink umbrella, matching one of the colors of her hair. She looked... nervous, as if someone had been following her. She looked over at them, where they saw that she had different eye colors too, one pink, and the other brown. She quickly ran off.

"Do you know her or something?" Audrey asked. "Maybe. She gave off this feeling, like I know her, but I've never seen her before. What if the others know?" "Then let's ask them." "Yeah, we need to tell them about Robeart too." "Agreed, let's go."

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