The Rescue At Japhet's Folly

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(So I recently learned that it's called Japhet's Folly, not Jophet's Folly).

The docks of Windhelm were thankfully not crowded. Luke came out of the EEC office and met with the group. "How do you know that Henry's at Japhet's Folly?" "I just know he is" Wil replied. "Alright, I'm gonna get a group of Stormcloaks and Crusaders to go with you." "Thank you Lucas. The rest of you should go back, this is something I need to do alone." "Bullshit! I'm going with you" Audrey said. "So am I" A familiar voice said.

"Lawrence? This is where you've been for the past month?" "The people here needed me, but it seems you need me too. Whether you like it or not, I'm one of the Crusaders on assignment to your ship." Wil sighed. "Anyone else hiding in the shadows that wants to go with me?" "... yes." Ruby came out of hiding from the crew's quarters. "What the hell are you doing here?" "I wanted to see the ship, but you guys took it here, and I wanna go with you."

"Fuck! Fine! Ruby, Lawrence, and Audrey, you're with me. The rest of you fuck off!" "Point taken" Alec replied. Wil and his group boarded another ship and began their journey to Japhet's Folly. Wil looked down at the locket and looked at the photo of Charlotte. He felt somewhat guilty for bringing Henry home without a daughter waiting for him.

They arrived by several large sheets of ice by a nearby tower. "Here we are, Jophet's Folly" One of the crusaders said. "Everyone stay here, we'll give a signal and then you attack like a storm of fire." "We'll be the fire, you be the lightning" A crusader said. Wil patted him on the shoulder and immediately jumped over, landing onto one of the ice sheets, with Audrey following. "Audrey, get back up there." "Hell no, we're in this together, just like every adventure we've been on." "This isn't just another one of our adventures, this a rescue." "We've rescued people before. I know that Henry's important to you, but I'm not letting you go alone."

"Nothing's gonna change your mind." "Nope." "Alright, let's go." "Wil, Wait!" Ruby yelled as she vault over the side and onto the ice, with Lawrence following. "I thought I told you two to stay on the ship." "Like heck we are, we're going with you." Wil wanted to do this alone, but knew that there was no stopping any of them.

"Okay, but don't screw this up, this could be the only shot I have at finding him." They all ran inside, with Wil leading the charge. They entered through the hole in the ice which led inside. From there, the carnage began.

They saw two guards facing the opposite direction. Audrey ran at the closest guard and quickly took his head off and kept going. The other guard was about to yell but Lawrence was too quick for him, stabbing him right through the spine and kicking him down. Audrey spotted a guard at the top of a nearby staircase. Ruby took Crescent Rose and equipped a suppressor and shot him, causing him to fall down the stairs.

They came to a locked room, possibly being where Henry was. "Lawrence, you think you can open this?" "Of course I can." Lawrence then rammed the door several times, unable to open it." "No dumbass, I meant picking the lock." "Oh, of course." He picked the lock and opened the door. The smell on the other side was absolutely rancid. While trying not to vomit, the saw a rotted corpse near a large book.

"Is this Henry?" Ruby asked. "No, this is... well I actually have no idea who this is" Audrey replied. Audrey picked up the large book and began skimming through it. "So this guys name is... Japhet? This is Japhet. Says here that this was supposed to be some kind of farming settlement, which was obviously a good idea due to all the Eya damned ice. Also says he was the last one here of his original crew, and to survive he had to eat... Ice Moss? Don't see that anywhere. Welp, that's his story. Taking this with me." "Alright, we're not here for a history lesson, we're here to save a life."

They went up the stairs finding another guard walking. Wil ran up to him and covered his mouth and nose. He took his knife and rammed it into the guards neck and dragged it across. They continued on. "I gotta ask, how can you be sure Henry's still alive? Wouldn't he have been killed by now? Or died of sickness?" "I know he's alive Ruby, I just know he is, I just know."

Wil used his phone attached to his wrist bracer to contact the ship. "Rain down the fire, cause we're the lightning." "Yes sir. OPEN FIRE!!!" A loud rumble shook the tower. "Whoa, keep fire away from the tower." "Got it. We're gonna keep firing at the beach, you keep looking for Henry."

The group continued on, finding a group of pirates speaking. "Who the hell's attacking?" "EEC bastards." "You think their here for the poor bastards in rags?" "They've been here for a long time, they're only here for us, not them."

Audrey fired her bow and killed three with one arrow. The group attacked on her signal, killing everyone except for the one who Wil thought was the highest ranked. "Where are the prisoners?" "Fuck you." Wil swiftly stomped his leg, shattering his femur. "GONNA TELL ME NOW!!!" "Fine! Fuck! They're... they're a floor above, down the right hall." Wil then shot him and led the group up to the next floor.

"Is Wil always this cruel?" Ruby asked Audrey. "I don't really know how to answer that. When we're out on contracts he's usually a fun loving guy, but there are times when he loses his cool, but I think this is because Henry's really important to him." "I don't really know anything about Charlotte or Henry, or any of that stuff." "Well, don't talk to Wil about it, it's a difficult subject for him."

Finally they found the cells. Wil pulled his Python and shot the pirates in there and opened all the cells, making all the prisoners except one run out. Wil looked inside and found a man with brown hair and brown eyes with freckles. Henry. Wil ran in and tried to get him up. Henry looked defeated, darkened, and hopeless. Wil pulled out the necklace and showed him the photo of his daughter.

Henry's eyes lit up and he looked up. "Wil?" "Yes. It's me Henry." "How?" Another and even louder rumble struck the tower. "No time to explain, everyone let's go!" Wil led the group with the prisoners to the ship, as crusaders stormed the beach and began butchering the pirates. After a bit of waiting the crusaders returned to the ship, without a single man lost. "Wil?" A gunner called. "This was your idea, and as much as I hate giving it up, you should fire the final shot."

Wil took the cannon and destroyed the tower, causing everyone to cheer. So ends Japhet's Folly.

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