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King Leo III sat atop his horse and watched as King Bullard VI approached.

King Bullard VI: Why've you come to my home? We should settle this war elsewhere.

King Leo III: If we left now, you'd shoot me before I could walk away.

Bullard looked at his old friend.

King Bullard VI: You're right about that. Then it ends here.

King Leo III: Winner takes all.

King Bullard VI: So here we are.

King Leo III: Here we are. CHARGE!

King Bullard VI: CHARGE!

The two armies ran at each other, now the battle was in full swing. Soldiers slashed, stabbed, and shot each other like no tomorrow. The allegiance and the Coalition were fighting with absolute animosity. Wil and Audrey looked to see Malick in his tower, staring down right at them. Wil, who was now in his casual clothes with Tiber Saxon's Pauldron, Tarre Saxon's sword, and Torre Saxon's shield, and Audrey broke through the battle to get to the tower.

The hacked and slashed their way through the crowd and came to the tower. Once inside they were met with Malick looking out his window.

Malick: Fools. All of them.

Wil: So here we are.

Malick: Here we are.

Wil and Audrey drew their weapons while Malick raised his hands. Malick then began casting a power charge at the two, causing them to block it and force it back at him, knocking him down.

Malick: You've grown smarter.

Malick then opened a portal and jumped through. Wil and Audrey jumped through and ended up in an ice field. Malick stood there, staring them down with his face hidden by the shadow his hood, and his one purple eye.

Wil and Audrey both charged at him, managing to get a few hits before Wil got thrown back. Malick then pulled out his scythe which lit up with a purple flame surrounding the blade.

Malick: Let's end this right!

Audrey drop kicked him, knocking him down again, only this time his hood fell, revealing his face. His face was rotted with a grey tone and had several blackish red gashes. The two were stunned.

Malick: These are some downsides from reading into the darker part of magic.

Wil: Your father wouldn't have wanted this.

Malick: My father's dead.

The three continued fighting. With more hacking and slashing. Malick took his scythe and slammed it into the ice, causing it to crack. Wil jumped back in fear of the ice breaking. Malick fired a blast of purple flames after a power slam. Wil used his grappling hook to take his scythe but failed. Malick caught the cable and threw him back.

Audrey finally got the chance to charge her sword and began firing lightning at him. He blocked it with his scythe and ram at her, swinging his scythe all over the place. She dodged every swipe. Wil then leaps off of her shoulder and slammed down onto the ice, creating a large fire blast. Malick slammed his scythe down on the ice again, causing it to break right under Wil, making him submerge into frigid water below.

Audrey became infuriated, but not out of grief. She knew that Wil would survive. She continued to battle Malick until she was knocked back. Malick began to walk around.

Malick: You know Audrey? Some have called Wil the warrior of steel. You know what steel is made of? Two minerals, one of them is iron. You know how they get it? It's ripped from the ground!

Malick broke his hand through the ice, dragging Wil from the water and slinging him back.

Malick: You two can't win. Just give in.

Wil: Never.

Malick: Then die for your Coalition!

Audrey threw a dagger right into Malick's stomach. Malick began coughing up blood.

Malick: you're a helluva shot... I'll give you that.

Wil and Audrey got up and began fighting again. Malick seemed to be overwhelmed this time though. Wil and Audrey ran around and began slashing and stabbing him. Malick became weaker and weaker until he was finally on his knees. Malick stood up and tried to use magic to win, but fell to one knee. He then looked up at them.

Malick: Killing me won't stop this war.

Audrey: It'll stop you from getting the power of the sun.

Malick smiled and looked down. Wil and Audrey looked at each other and nodded. They slashed and hacked him until the two cut his head off. The two were knocked back by an explosion. They were then raised into the air by the Oracle.

Oracle: You two have done what others couldn't. You finally killed him. You've fulfilled the prophecy. Congratulations!

The Oracle then gave them Malick necklace as both a trophy, and proof that he was dead.

Audrey: Now what?

Oracle: I send you back. There's still a war to be won.

The two were sent back to the battlefield, where the final battle raged on.

King Bullard Cabinet Member 1; Your father's dead.

Prince Bullard VII: I know. I saw it from here.

King Bullard Cabinet Member 2: You've just been cowering here the whole time, while the rest of us have been fighting?!

Prince Bullard VII: No, I've been waiting.

King Bullard Cabinet Member 1: For what?

Prince Bullard VII: Do it. You know what I mean.

King Bullard Cabinet Member 1: Prince Bullard VII, I now pronounce you King.

King Bullard VII: Now give the order to surrender.

King Bullard Cabinet Member 1: Yes sir.


King Bullard VII then walked onto the field and faced King Leo III. Bullard dropped his spear.

King Bullard VII: The Allegiance surrenders.

Coalition soldier: HEY BOYS, WE WON!!!

Coalition and Crusader Soldiers: YEAH!!!

Then, the cleanup began. The Allegiance and the Coalition began working together to help each other's wounded. Bullard himself saluted the Allegiance flag one last time, and then lowered it to be burned.

King Bullard VII: Today begins a new world. One where the war between brothers and sisters stops. One where we no longer point weapons at each other. The violence. The chaos. The hatred we had between each other... It ends here. And now, I pass this flag of false ideas to you.

Bullard then handed over the flag to King Leo who set it ablaze. Bullard approached Wil, Audrey, and their group.

King Bullard VII: You've all done a great thing for us. All of us. Because of you, the hatred between us is over. Thank you.

He shook all of their hands before pulling Wil and Audrey aside.

King Bullard VII: Is it done?

Wil handed him the necklace.

King Bullard VII: Good. Now we can close this dark chapter once and for all. If you two happen to cross and soldier still loyal to the Allegiance.

Audrey: We know what to do.

King Bullard VII: Good. Thank you.

Bullard then walked away. Wil then walked over and slumped against a nearby tree.

Audrey: Wil? Are you okay? Wil?

Wil began to laugh. His laughter then turned into sobbing.

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