Redhelm City Part II

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Wil and Blake were still on the highway before Wil stopped her. "Before we go in... we'll need to change clothes so we don't catch attention." "What?! Is this some kind of joke? Or is it a way to look at me naked?!" "If they see the clothes we have now, they put us to the wall or the gallows. We gotta do this so we can save Colt." "Fine. But if I see you looking at me, I'll shoot you with your own gun. "Fair. Look, I've got some clothes I bring with me."

Wil handed her a pair of jeans, a hat, and a dark red leather jacket. Wil then turned around and changed at the same time. He put on a blueish gray shirt with jeans, a brown leather jacket, a black wool flat cap, a pair dark brown leather shoes, and a pair of black leather fingerless gloves.

"Done?" Wil asked. "Yeah. You?" "Yes." Wil then turned around and remembered how Dragovich felt about Faunus'. "Your gonna wanna put that bow you have over your ears." "What? Why?" "Dragovich doesn't exactly "like" Faunus'. He really hates them." She put the bow. "We ready now?" Wil looked into his satchel.

"No, no, NO!" "What is it?" "My meds, I didn't pack 'em." "What do you take?" "Antipsychotics. Remember? I have schizophrenia." "How'd you forget?" "I must've left them on my dresser." "Hey, I'll try and keep you in line okay?" "Yeah, thanks." They both headed into the city.

As soon as they passed the bridge they passed by a group of people who were put up against a wall being shot by fully automatic rifles. Blake was as pale as an absolute ghost, while Wil seemed indifferent, practically apathetic towards the situation, as if their lives had no meaning to him.

They walked by a heavily damaged building but were stopped by a soldier. "Watch this and remember" The soldier said. The two turned to see a group of people with nooses around their neck getting kicked from the third floor. "This is what happens to people who defy our lord Dragovich! It's either serve, or die!" The soldier then let them leave. When Blake was part of the White Fang she'd seen some messed up stuff, but it was like a dream compared to this.

Wil and Blake went down an alley trying to find a shortcut to the rebel hideout, until they were stopped by some soldiers. "Where do you think you two are going?" "Our new apartment." "Show me your I.D's." Wil showed the soldier his and Blake's fake I.D's. "They check out. Why'd you come here?" "I got a job at the steel mill that just opened." "My brother got a job there, please send him my regards. Good day." "Good day."

"That was painless." "How'd you know about the steel mill?" "I didn't." They both headed to a manhole in the alley which was covered by several trash cans and boxes. Wil moved them back before climbed down. They went further through and found a small vent, hidden hidden just like the manhole. Wil went in first. "Move that stuff before you get in." "I know."

They fell down a space in the vent. Two maintenance workers turned around after hearing the thuds. "Fuckin' big ass rats" One of them said. A nearby vent hatch opened, with a voice trying to get their attention. Wil looked over and saw who looked to be Nerk from Riften. Wil and Blake both went over to him as he pulled them both out.

"Nerk? What're you doing here?" "Being a guard wasn't as good as I thought, so I came here. Why're you two here?" "Cardinal sent us to find Colt." "Colt? He's been gone for about two weeks now. I hate to say it but he might be dead." "Either that or they put him in Black-gate" A familiar voice said. "Boris?" Wil and him started laughing and hugged. Yuri then walked in and hugged Wil too, and like usual he said nothing. Wil then pulled Boris aside. "Still not talking?" "He talks in Russian, but not in any other language." "At least he's talking."

"Well, you two look pretty done in, especially her." "That's Blake." "I'm assuming she's never been here until today, and she saw all the executions." "Unfortunately." "Well you two should get some rest, it's gonna be one hell of a day tomorrow." "Thanks man. It's good to see you again." "You too."

"How?" Blake asked. "How what?" "How can you be so apathetic? How can you just watch all those people get killed and not feel anything?" Blake was tearing up now. "How can you think that?" Wil replied. "Do you really think I feel nothing? Do you really think I'm some kind of machine?!" Wil was furious now. "My whole life I've seen people die, and I've never felt numb. Not a day goes by without feeling at least a hint of regret! Every day I try to bottle it up and keep it away from everyone! Everyone expects me to go through the day happy and have a positive mind! How can I actually feel that way when I know that's not true?!" Wil was now in tears.

"I haven't had a single night's sleep without at least one nightmare! I've killed so many and have watched so many people die and I know that I can't save everyone, but I've tried, and it always ends up worse! I lose people, I lose myself! I kill people, even those who other people think deserve it, I lose myself!" Wil had stopped yelling now feeling like his head was on fire. "The truth is that... I can't be numb. My father can, but I just can't. In all honesty, I wish I was, then I wouldn't have to feel... this."

Wil's burn was a dark reddish purple now. He pulled out his pain killer needle and jammed it into his burn, changing the color back to normal, and making him calm down again. He sat in the nearby chair with tears streaming from his eyes, but not making a sound. He pulled out his locket and began staring down at the photo of Charlotte, trying to stop his sorrow, but to absolutely no avail. Blake had stopped crying, now she was in shock.

She could see what he'd seen in his past. The Oracle was doing them both a favor now. She saw that when Wil seemed apathetic, there was a slight difference on his face. He looked it, but she could see a fracture in the look, it was absolute regret. She looked back at him, and he'd not looked back up at her. It was like he was broken. He looked like there was only one thing left for him. Oblivion. She went over without a word and pulled him into an embrace. His head leaned forward as he held onto her. He couldn't do anything but cry without a single sound. Boris stood outside the door, quietly telling the others to just leave them alone, and that this was personal moment.

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