Split Up (Wil & Weiss)

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The team has been separated by the vampires, leaving everyone in different places. This being from Wil, and Weiss' perspective.

Wil was in absolute fury, yet also regret. "Why in the name of Jesus did I tell her all of that? I should've just kept quiet" He thought. He then heard fast footsteps following him. He ran even more to the edge of a cliff, with a river going down it. He turned around and saw Weiss trying to speak to him.

"Wil, I'm sorry. I-I didn't know." "And you shouldn't have." "Please, we can talk about this." "No, there's been enough talking!" Wil then looked at the river and backed towards it. "Wait, Wil no!" He then jumped

Wil was gone. Or at least she thought. He flew down the river, unable to stop due to the force of the water. He kept moving even being amongst some corpses. He was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes opened. Eventually he found a small ledge to climb up. He climbed and scrambled across the grass in tears. This is what he'd become, someone who refused help to the point that he was willing jump off a cliff, nearly drown in a river, and even use a dead body to keep him above water. He sobbed, knowing that he'd just abandoned her to a possible death, all because he didn't want to face his problems. He then heard what sounded like singing. It was the song of the Wayfaring Stranger.

Wil, with tears still flowing got up and limped towards the voice and found a group of Stormcloaks and Imperial Legion troops, listening to a Legion soldier sing. Wil fell against a nearby tree. As he listened, he noticed that he'd gone from a destructive and terrifying sight, to somewhere calm and warm. He believed that he was now among the dead.

After the song the soldiers went on, except for a few
"You alright there lad? Can you talk?" "Dawnstar... where's... Dawnstar?" The road isn't too far, just follow the signs. You need help getting there?" "No." "Alright then. Help him up fellas." The troops helped him up. "Good luck son." "Thanks." Another soldier then asked "Hey, what's in Dawnstar?" Wil slowly turned and said "Family." The soldiers saluted him and caught up with their platoon, while Wil continued down the road

He came across the sign that pointed to Dawnstar, where most of his childhood was spent. He then spotted a grave. "Alexanderr Heinrich Lincoln." Wil kneeled and sobbed once more, for this was his brother, the same one he'd killed to get rid of the demon that took him over. He then saw a familiar farm and knocked on the door. He knew exactly who lived here. He'd known him literally all his life. He got to the door and knocked.

A little girl opened the door. "Uncle Wil?" "Hailey." Wil fell on the floor. "What's going on down there?" A voice said. Wil then saw another familiar face. "Wilhelm?" He then helped Wilhelm up. "Wilhuff" Wil said. Wilhuff then brought him to the couch. "You alright little brother." "I'm fine." "You don't look fine." "I just don't wanna talk about it." "Alright. You want some food?" "Yes please."

"So what're you doing here?" "I was with a group of other Dawnguard fighters, but we got separated during a fight." Wilhuff then got up. "Any of them follow you?" "No." Wilhuff then sat down. "Good." "Where's Chelsea?" "She's working at the inn." "Oh. When's she gonna be back?" "She shouldn't be long. She works a 6 hour shift."

"Can I stay the night?" Wil groggily asked. "Of course. You remember where the guest room is." Wil then got up and went to the room. He fell onto the bed and began sleeping. He then had a nightmare about Weiss being turned into a vampire. Wil woke up with Hailey at his bedside. "I heard noises, and found you groaning, so I woke you up." "Thanks."

"What's the Dawnguard?" "It's a group of people who're fighting vampires to save the world." "And you're part of it," "Yeah, I'm making sure they don't snatch people into the night." "Are they around here?" "They were at Dimhallow Crypt, but they'd never risk their lives by running into a city or a hold." "So we're safe?" "As long as you stick by your dad, then yeah."

"How'd you get hurt?" "The vampires also have gargoyles and evil red eyed dogs called death hounds on their side, and a gargoyles hit me." "That's not how you got hurt." "Yes it is." "I know you're lying. I can see it in your eyes." "Alright, the group I was with had to split up, and I ended up with someone who isn't exactly easy to get along with, and she made me bring up something bad from my past, which I didn't want her to know. I ran off and jumped down into a river." "To die?" "No, so I could get away from her."

"What happened next?" "I got out of the river and found some soldiers. They told me how to get here, and now I'm here." "I'm glad you're okay." "Thanks kid." Wil then went back to sleep, still feeling guilty, but not having nightmares. When he woke up he realized that it'd only been 2 hours, and those 2 hours were the longest in his life. He got up, feeling far less pain. "Hey Wilhuff, I'm gonna go walk around a bit." "Alright, just don't go outside the hold."

Wil opened the door and went out. He walked around, trying to find things that he'd missed from the incredibly short times he'd been there. He went to a strange door with a skull on it. He then noticed a dried up bloodstain near a bush. "Dark Brotherhood" He said to himself. He then heard footsteps from nearby. "Nazir" Wil said "Wilhelm."

"It's been a while." "Too long. Still got those tattoos?" Wil pulled up his sleeve and showed Nazir his large Celtic cross tattoo on his left arm, and his large sword tattoo on his right arm. "What about the one on your back?" Wil then removed his torso armor and showed the incredibly large Celtic cross tattoo on his back.

"I see you're still a crusader." "I'm a Dawnguard fighter too." "Really? How goes the vampire hunting?" "It got pretty bad, everyone in my group had to split up so we could survive a hoard." "That's too bad. But you do know Babette's a vampire, right?" "Of course, but she's not a hostile one. She doesn't go around murdering people." "True."

"You should join us. We could use a guy like you to fight those cock suckers." "I already fought in a war, I'm not about to fight in another. Plus, I go where the money is, and I'm too loyal to Sithis and the Nightmother. Maybe you should join the brotherhood." "I'd love to, but I'm too much of a Christian to do that." "Unfortunate, but understood. See you around, and good luck with your vampire hunting." "Thanks. Kill well."

Wil then went to the nearby dock, seeing some frustrated sailors. "Permission to come aboard?" Wil asked. "Permission granted" A sailor said. "What's the name of her?" Wil asked. "The ship? Oh, the Sea Squall. I inherited from my mother after she passed. She spent most of her life at sea, so I do too. I know my crewman think I'm not a good captain but I'll prove them wrong. Captain Leif Wayfinder." "Wilhelm Lincoln." "The Wilhelm Lincoln? Slayer of the dark dragon of Bavaria, and descendant of Tiber Saxon?" "The same. Looks like you're having a problem." "I am. In fact, we all are." "What is it?" "I'm missing some fine-cut void salts." "Well, if I find any while I'm out in the wild I'll bring them to you." "Really? Thank you." "I should go now. See you around." "You too. Good luck finding those salts. They're not exactly the most common." "I'll do what I can."

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