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Kingston, Jamaica

Doors away, Zaharia and Genna sat wrapped securely in the comfortable silence they created amidst the room.

After an entire day of pool and group festivities, the two had finally been left to their lonesome. Zaharia didn't know how she ended up in the enticing male's presence with merely her pool attire clinging to her body, but there she sat, perched on the soft white comforters decorating the room's bed.

Genna laid behind her, leaning comfortably against the headboard as he observed every sporadic move she made, a plethora of thoughts running through his mind with every flick of his orbs.

The woman cleared her throat gently. She wasn't sure what to say to the man placed behind her, quiet yet evidently observant. It was crazy to believe just how much the pair had been through in merely a matter of days.

"Yuh okay?"

Genna had been the first of the pair to speak. Zaharia craned her neck slightly, catching a short glance of the dark male. A small smile etched onto her lips as she shook her head gently, looking at her lap where her polished fingers rested, fiddling with one another.

All week she had been pushing a cruel idea to the back of her mind, for the sake of her own sanity. She refused to believe the truth she had conjectured, but the more she did so, the more supporting evidence seemed to fall into her lap.

She noticed the way her brother looked at Autumn Joy as if she were a deadly airborne disease.

She caught the awkward stares shared between her parents whenever they were placed in a room with one another, and the subtle look of pity that her sister in law would flash her way every time she queried them.

Ultimately Zaharia knew, "Something is wrong." Her thoughts left her lips somberly.

Genna's frame stiffened against his sheets, both of his dark brows furrowing as he glanced at the woman. He peeled his full lips apart, uttering a single command toward the obviously hurt female.

"Come hya. "

The woman's body visibly tensed, yet she obliged, gathering her weight onto all fours as she crawled into the male's awaiting embrace.

Their bodies meshed perfectly with one another's, and for a brief moment Zaharia lost all remembrance of what had initially urged her to falling into his muscular arms.

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