strong woman

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Atlanta, Georgia

Malachi hovered a single thumb over his phone's dim screen. For a while he had contemplated whether or not he would be making the right decision by betraying the one individual who'd had his back for as long as he could remember.

Though the promised fortune and power that would have come as a result of the trio's success had inevitably urged the man to go against the burdening feeling of guilt; to instead send the message that would soon damage a life.

When he had; his eyes glanced up, scanning the entire outside vicinity he was parked in. The night was dark; stars peaking out amidst the sky's midnight backdrop. Through the clear front glass of his RAM truck, his orbs peered catching sight of the large glass palace he was positioned in front of.

For hours he had watched the activity surrounding the home; from a hidden crevice in the wilderness. A week prior to the day he sat in; he had begun to observe the home owner's working pattern; noting the perfect and most suitable time to do what he had come to do.

He swiped his sweaty palms across one another; licking his lips before sighing. Merely crickets sounded in the nighttime air. His eyes took in each flickering street light, every creepy crawler that flew pass their home's perimeter and each passing car that sped on the paved main road leading to their fortress.

From the research that he had mustered, Malachi anticipated the woman's husband to return sometime after 10 p.m. Giving the male an ample amount of time to complete his mission with the clock on his dashboard reading 7:57.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment; sighing before reopening them. It had taken the man a moment to come to terms with the deed he was on the verge of doing, though he pushed all of his doubtful thoughts to the back of his brain; and had instead replaced them with merely the attitude of determination.

Malachi took a second more to perfect his mental plan before stepping out of the vehicle he had arrived in. His feet crushed atop the grass and brown twigs decorating the bushes he had parked in. When he had finally come face to face with the abode's entrance door; the man sighed; getting onto a single knee before retrieving his tools.

Three years of working in the line of home invasion had instilled lock picking skills in the man; that had in that moment; been more than convenient. He twisted his tools quietly in the doorknob, smiling when not even a minute later; he heard the bolt click.

The male stood to his full height, entering the dark home before shutting the door behind him. He left the locks unturned; to allow himself a quick and easy escape route when the time came.

His feet trekked slowly throughout the home; walking keenly and quietly to raise no suspicion to its resident. When he had finally rounded the corner to the open floor living room, Malachi paused. His orbs fell to the woman whose back faced him. She sat against one arm of the white suede couch in the center of the room; feet stretched comfortably to touch the adjacent couch cushion.

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