An Unmemorable Moment

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It all started on a normal school day...

go on, Pisces.


This story starts with a rather cringy sentence. Especially with such a cringe name.

"Piscie, remember to bring your lunchbox!"

Urgh, I hate that nickname with a burning passion. It's just so... cringe. It sounds wrong, the way it's spelt makes me feel really weird and uncomfortable... but enough about horrible naming skills.

"Yes, Mum. I know. See you later!" I yelled sweetly (if that was possible), giving her a brilliant smile that probably dazzled her, which was why she smiled brightly back.

It was that easy to impress my mother.
Now please go back to what you're doing... thank you. No offense, its just... I'm quite old enough to take care of myself and I have definitely grown out of that nickname.

" See you, my dear son!" She waved way too enthusiastically.

Again, how cringy... sorry Mom, that's just the truth.

The whole bus was staring at me, mumuring and gossiping as I dashed towards it. Only one person wasn't, in fear of embarrassing me, which I appreciated.


Did that surprise you?

Ever since I met her and started talking to her, I felt like she always had understood others feelings, only that she didn't necessarily prove it. She looked the other way, not even sparing me a glance. You might tell me its because she hates me, but...

I believe that it's because she cares about her friends... right?

Insert a nervous laugh.

Sure, my other friends don't want to embarrass me either, but they don't think that looking at the scene is embarrassing. It's normal, they would say. And that's true, I suppose.

I learned that Capricorn here, was a shy person when she was younger, soft-spoken and very sensitive. I guessed that's why she's afraid of embarrassing me...

As I boarded the bus, some of my friends waved at me while the other students either looked away or glared, talking loudly to one another.

I heard whispers of:
That's the guy I told you about.
He looks so innocent and dumb!
He's cute.
What an idiot. I hate him already.
Oh, it's you again, Pigsces.

I ignored them all but felt a little hurt on the inside. Like, what sort of nickname is Pigsces? That person can do better. Or maybe they can't, which is why they used such a strange insult.

Cancer and Aquarius tried to make the ones who said that shut up by glaring at them, but it wasn't really working.

I appreciated it, though.
The effort.

It's nice having friends to support and encourage you along your journey. I wasn't going to take it for granted anytime soon.

I was famous for being, quote unquote, 'cute and innocent,' yet absolutely hated by boys and jealous girls alike... lets just say I am quite well known here, unlike Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer... Taurus sometimes. Let's just say they don't always like the spotlight or trying that hard to please someone.

"Hi, Piscy wiscy! Do you remember me? My name is Diane Kennedy Wilson. I talked to you yesterday as well? Would you like to sit with me?"

Ah, cringe alert. A person I would very much like to avoid and never see again in my life has been sighted. Why am I surrounded with such cheesy people? God save us all. My ears... I cannot bear being called such a name. Can the ground just swallow me up right now?

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