Battle Of The Narcissistic Crew

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These are the people left alive:

Scorpio ( the wannabe bad boy)

Virgo (my judgy friend)

Cancer (a sweet guy)

Pisces (fish boi)

Me, Capricorn ( not a goat)

It's quite unexpected, really. In my experience of Zodiac Games, Pisces usually dies first. Like, all the time. No offense, Pisces.

Capricorns also die. I haven't read one story about Capricorn winning the Zodiac Games, which is not very encouraging.

Sometimes, Scorpio survives. It's likely he will, being so wary and powerful and all. He has a chance.

Virgo doesn't usually live either... but who knows? Anything can happen.

Cancer doesn't normally win either, but like I said, who knows?

Seriously, I don't really care who wins or loses. All I want now is to go swimming, drink grape juice, and eat tomato chips.

If I die, I wanna die happy. Preferably with some chips.Or a good book that made me cry.

Or Scorpio...

Capricorn lay bleeding on the ground, hissing in pain. Scorpio scrambled over, panic in his eyes. He started to tear up. "C-capricorn...!" Capricorn smiled weakly at him. "Goodbye, Scorpy. I love you." And then the light in her eyes dimmed, and she fell limp. "NO!" Scorpio screamed and threw himself over her body. "P-please... no!"

I pictured it. Nah... I won't die... right? Okay, actually, there is a high possibility that I will, but, eh, got to be positive, right?

Dying though...

Be like, oof.

Big oof.

Must be painful.

Can I die painlessly? Like, I can die, but painlessly? I don't like pain. I'm just saying.

I know you're screaming.


No, thou did not betray thou friends, readers. I do not kill me amigo unless me not amigo and go wheeee.

... get it?

No? Aw...

I was just thinking away when Virgo popped outta nowhere and go: VIRGGY IS HOME! CHOP CHOP TIME, MY FELLAS!

Okay, she did not say that, but I was trying to make it seem more interesting, okay? No one wants to read a boring book. Right?

Virgo attacked Scorpio with a crossbow in one hand, a knife in the other. Scorpio's eyes widened. He ducked the arrow in time, took out his katana, and used his power to launch himself at Virgo. Scorpio scores and Virgo collapse.


You're not satisfied?

... okay, fine.

You win.

I'm not satisfied, either.

Ahem, Professor Capricorn here and-

"Virgo." Scorpio growled, his eyes narrowing. He bared his teeth at her and braced himself. "You killed Sagittarius. I can't ever forgive you for that."

Virgo smirked, though she looked rather sad. "I don't want your forgiveness." Her face hardened, and she glared at Scorpio, firing an arrow with her trusty crossbow.

Scorpio's eyes widened in surprise. He managed to dodge just in time, and the arrow hit the tree miles behind him. Scorpio cursed softly.

He turned to face Virgo.

"I see. Then go to hell."

His eyes glowed blue, and he used his newfound power. He launched himself at Virgo, Water-wind engulfing his katana that he had quickly drawn. He sliced down at her, eyes hard.

Virgo barely had any time to react. Her eyes widened, mouth opening- and got hit back into the bushes. She gasped in pain as blood littered the ground, her chest now bloody from the cut Scorpio had made.

Scorpio landed with both feet on the ground and smirked, though his eyes looked a bit sad and pitying.

"You deserve it," he said simply. Virgo was silent for a while as she staggered upright. "Maybe you're right," she finally said and looked Scorpio in the eye. "I do deserve it." Her lips twisted into a smile, and her eyes glowed.

I gasped. What is she doing?

Scorpio looked confused as well, ans stared blankly at her. Virgo stood up straight and started walking towards Scorpio.

Scorpio gritted his teeth and pointed his katana at her. "Stay back!" Virgo just smiled and stopped. For a moment, we relaxed, thinking that maybe she had a change of heart.

We were wrong. Quite the opposite.

Virgo opened her mouth, eyes glowing.

"Scorpio, kill Capricorn."

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