How The Goat And Virgin Fought

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You might be wondering what I was doing the whole time when Scorpio died and Capricorn started to fight Virgo. I was passed out. Yes, that's kind of lame you might say, but what can I do?! Passed out.

Scorpio had left me to rest under the shade of a tree nearby. I woke to Capricorn screaming at Scorpio. I was still in a daze as she launched herself at her ex-friend, Virgo. I had no clue what was going on. Why were they fighting? Weren't they allies? Unless... what happened?

I stared blankly at them, the clang of metal filling my ears. A occasional gasp or shout. A curse that I wrinkle my nose at. Then the fog in my brain lifts. Reality settles in. I am suddenly very sad, and unnerved.

I try not to look at Scorpio's body. He saved me... and I would never be able to return the favour. Tears threatened to leak out of my eyes.

I need to do something. We don't have to kill each other! Then I saw it. A glimpse of white hair. It was... Cancer?! What is he doing here? He was staring in horror at them, a stick in hand.

He was horrified, and so was I. Are we really just going to... fight till we all go to heaven? That's so inhumane! So cruel! So... very sadistic and I hate it so much, I do.

Cancer did something I never expected him to do. He raced towards them and threw himself in front of Capricorn.

"Virgo, don't-WE CAN ALL BE FRIENDS-" I opened my mouth to shout a warning.

"CANCER, NO! Don't-"

Like always, too late.

With a gasp, he collasped onto the floor, blood seeping out of his wound, staining his shirt. With wide eyes, the life slowly ebbed out of him. Before he was truly gone though, he summoned his wolf. What a brilliant ability...

A brilliant white wolf launched himself at Virgo, appearing out of the blue, and tore her apart. A piercing scream rang through the air and my hands flew to my ears. Blood splattered everywhere, covering Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn. I could not believe my eyes. In fact, I got a sudden inpulse to tear them out of my head at the horrifying sight before me.

The ground was littered with blood. And bodies. I couldn't help it. I sank to my knees and let out a piercing, blood-curdling scream.

The wolf glanced at Cancer one last time, let out a mournful howl and vanished like the wind.

Two thumps.

Three bodies on the ground.

Cancer and Virgo both dead.

Scorpio... too.

There was just me left, and Capricorn.

Cancer... you just wanted us to be allies... and Virgo...

Both of my closest friends, Scorpio and Cancer, was gone. Everyone was gone, but one water sign, one earth sign.

I stared as the sky darkened.

It was night time now.

I got up.

I didn't know how I did it.

I just felt numb. Shell-shocked. Disbelieving.

"Ca... Capricorn. Cap. Are you...?" I saw her topple sideways. But I was there. I engulfed her in a hug, holding her up. Her eyes had turned back to normal.

I was crying now.

She was, too.

"Its okay," I said, comforting myself as well. "We'll be okay-"

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