The Path You Took

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(TW! Blood, death, murder and s*cide. If uncomfortable, please skip past. )


I was shouting at someone.

Or at least I think I was.

I couldn't see anyone, so it was hard to tell.

"Can you let us out? I can give you money if you do. I'll beg for it if I have to. You hear me? Let me out! Let US out! HEY!"

I pounded on the iron door desperately. I didn't care if my hands bled or got bruised, I just wanted someone to let us out of this hellish place.

"YOU- YOU... crazy people!"

I added a few curse words.
I had a faint idea of what was going to happen, I have read The Hunger Games, and I do not want to be prey to killer rabbits or inhale poisonous gas.

Even if the rabbits are cute.

"Open up, people! Or... or else!"

Or else what, I didn't know.
It's been a few minutes since I was brought to this insane place to be killed, and I'm not liking it one bit, as one can guess....

Then I heard it.

A shing of a sword being drawn from its scabbard. Someone wants to hurt me and rudely prevent me from being Katniss.

I flinched.

This is bad.

I want to be like Katniss.

I want to survive.

I want to live.

My life wasn't as sucky as I had made it out to be. I want to do well on the examinations and go on to have a good job and maybe even start a family of my own. I didn't want to get killed by something or someone the very first day here. And so I tried to flee.

"Stop!" I shrieked, throwing myself to one side to hopefully avoid an incoming blow.

Don't hurt me!

I whipped out my mace, holding it tightly in front of me to try and scare my hunter away or to defend myself from them. My eyes widened for a fraction of a second before I realised who it was.

It was Gemini. My friend.

I breathed a sigh of relief, my tense shoulders relaxing a little. I felt a little uneasy at his sudden appearance, but I played it cool.

Hopefully, Gemini won't be a traitor... he wouldn't, right? We're good friends! He would never hurt someone he knew and talked to multiple times. At least, I think he wouldn't. I know I would not be able to do so. It'd just be way too mean.

"Hey, Gem. Why did you creep up on me like that?" I shot him a smile. I saw him freeze before scratching the back of his head and then look down at his shoes. "Uh..."

Strange. And very suspicious. I can't let my guard down. I pretend to be oblivious to his nervousness, though. Perhaps he has a good reason for his behaviour? Surely, he wasn't trying to hurt me. There's no good reason for it. I didn't do anything to him that would make him hate me in the past.

There was a faint blush on his cheeks. I tilted my head at him questioningly. "What is it? You're turning red." He blushed even harder, much to my confusion. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Ah... you're very observant, Libra."

Uh, thank you...?

Why exactly are you telling me that? Is he trying to let me have my gurad down? And when I do, he strikes? That's rather evil...

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