A Season For Taurus

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On normal occasions, today, 2 May, or so I assume, would be my season.
Taurus Season!
But this isn't a normal occasion... this is more like the Season Of Death, Regret, Hate, and Revenge. Yay... How great that is.

Looks like I did inherit a bit of Capricorn's sarcasm. Who knows? Hanging out with her for years must have influenced me somehow. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or the opposite.

Virgo and I had teamed up on Sagittarius. I feel bad about it, but there's nothing I can do then, and especially not now. It's either he dies, or we die... there's nothing we can do to change that even if we so desperately wanted to and wished with all our might. I hate to be the realist here, but there's something called "the end justifies the means."

I guess we could riot together, but the ones who put us in this situation would just find another way for us to fight and harm each other. They had the upper hand, the authority, and power.


I know you're dead and all, and you'll never know how bad I feel right now, but...

I really am sorry.

And I know.

That saying sorry repeatedly doesn't actually help. He's still dead. Saying sorry won't somehow revive him. He won't magically come back to life, am I right? I don't have that kind of magical powers. Perhaps someone does, but certainly not me. If not, I would have found out by now. I would have used it to save- Nevermind.

Aquarius was obviously heartbroken.

He tries to attack us with his new power, Bound. It's actually quite effective and annoying.

Luckily or unluckily, Virgo and I have powers, too.

Our virgin's power - Wait, that sounds kind of wrong- Night Vision, would be good since it was getting really dark, and I could hardly see a thing soon. And my power, Frost Control, always comes in handy. I was grateful I had such a power. I wonder why frost, though. Is there a reason for that? Last I checked, I was named after an Earth Sign, not an ice sign. There wasn't even such a thing! Unless astrology changed that drastically over the years... Nah, no way.

Virgo guided me with her Night Vision, telling me where to dodge and attack. I just used my powers to try and freeze Aquarius.

Aquarius was quite nimble, unfortunately, and was doing well on his own.

With his power, he could swing from trees like Spiderman and... do whatever Spiderman does.

A few times, his strings caught us. They tripped us, tried strangling us, and even whacked us into sharp objects. It was damn annoying, and I let out a few curses here and there, especially when I flew into a tree and got a faceful of leaves and bugs.

All of us were bleeding, I soon noticed, panting for breath.

I would try to fire ice shards at him, but he would use his strings to block it. It was an effective and ingenius method.

It was getting on my nerves.

I summoned my power again and channelled all my strength remaining into it. Stumbling, I shouted," EAT ICE!"
A humongous shard of ice flew at him. I had missed, having stumbled at that time. It hit a tree, breaking it into pieces. I didn't know how to feel about that.

The pieces flew at Aquarius. The blue-haired boy used his power to deflect some of it, but the wood splints were strong.

They cut through his strings and started piercing him. Only a few managed to touch him, but it was still something. We finally got a hit on him! I could do a victory dance, but now was not the time. Plus, Virgo would roast me every single time. I thought I was pretty good at dancing, but Virgo didn't seem to agree, much to my chagrin.

"Virgo, you run! I'll take him down!" I yelled, racing towards Aquarius, who was grimacing in pain, trying to bandage his wounds with the blanket he had in his backpack. Seriously, this dude must be underestimating us too much.. he thinks we'll let that opportunity go to waste? I saw a chance and took it.

Virgo protested, however.

"No, Taurus, come back! It's too dangerous!" Being as stubborn I was, I ignored her. I needed to make sure Aquarius was gone. I knew he wanted revenge on us for killing Sagittarius. And I had seen his power.

He was too powerful to be spared.

He would slaughter us again if he had the chance. We would live constantly in fear, more than usual. We started it, and we need to end it.

 I was scared but also determined.

I could do this! Aquarius was just a... just a... a boy.

A boy.

I paused.

" No, no, Taurus, what are you doing? RUN!" Virgo screamed.

But he was just a child... like us.

But I had already killed Sagittarius.

You didn't. Virgo did.

But I allowed her to do so.

I even helped her by protecting her, even to this moment.

But you need to kill him! If not, Virgo and you will die!

My lips curled, and I smiled.

That was alright.

I was at peace now, silent and calm. I knew what to do.

I would never need to kill anyone with my own two hands.

I waited patiently for Aquarius to draw his sword Azurewrath. I dropped my scythe. And Aquarius, smart as he was, got the message, his eyes widening with understanding.

I didn't want to die, but I didn't want to kill anyone either. I had been so conflicted... and yet. I know what I need to do now.

I saw Aquarius approach. He nodded at me, a tiny bit respect in his eyes. Man, he's like an assasin or a knight from video games and movies. All about honour... ahem, anyway. I guess that's nice , and he respects my decision, but I also feel sad that he didn't protest. But I understand why. I literally tried to kill him, and it was also I who stood in his way of protecting Sagittarius. I'm surprised he's not in shock right now. Calm as always, huh? It's impressive, but also chilling to a certain extent...

"Goodbye, Taurus. It was nice meeting you. I hope you have a good time in the afterlife and there is a lot of food." I smiled, almost going to laugh as Aquarius brought his sword next to my neck.

"Promise me not to hurt Virggy." I said weakly, trembling.
I didn't get a response.
Don't exactly like that.
Aquarius had already slit my throat, and I was losing consciousness fast. Blood poured from my wound. I only saw Aquarius' eyes widen and heard him shout something. It sounded like a: WHAT?!

He did not sign up for that.

I fell limp.

Goodbye, Virgo.

I'm sorry.

Thus concluded it is indeed not the greatest Taurus Season.

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