I'm Telling You To Get Down

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We waited in anticipation as Capricorn stood and started to sing. I'm glad she feels better, after what happened previously... eh, no use bringing it up right now. That would just make us despair again about our current predicament.

Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho

Scorpio's eyes shone as he sat up straighter in excitement. Does he recognise the song maybe? Is it a good song? I never heard it before... just kidding! Of course I did. It's a great song, and I heard it repeatedly on the radio.

At night she screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

Scorpio blushed, clearly picturing her singing right now. Haha, what a simp he is. Eh, I'm not one to judge.

She'll make you curse, but she a blessing

I laughed as Scorpio grinned wider. They're like Satan and his devil, this ship. Except they're not that bad... they did some good things in their life. They helped me a whole lot of times, even if we can't exactly stand each other. Capricorn has helped me with my homework, Scorpio has helped me fend off bullies and mean teachers.

She'll rip your shirt within a second

I gulped. Scorpio's eyebrowns furrowed, a smile on his lips.

You'll be coming back, back for seconds

Scorpio laughs.

With your plate, you just can't help it-


A loud sound interrupted her singing, which made Scorpio frown. I hid a smile, I just can't help but ship them! I mean it's obvious as day that they like each other. They probably kissed each other once or twice.

Anyway, back to the noise. A man clad in black entered our cell. He interrupted our singing competition, which I do not approve of. The purpose was to cheer everyone up, though maybe it has made some of us sadder... I analysed the man, noticing that he had green eyes.

He saw me and Scorpio staring at him and said, " The name is Ezra. That is Jude." I am surprised he introduced himself, but I am not complaining. This will make it easier to make a police report. He pointed to a younger man with blonde hair and jade eyes who was casually leaning on the door to our cell, a knife out in case we decided to make a run for it, I assumed.

I tried the nice way.

I tried to sound as sad and harmless as possible. " Why are you doing t-this?" I whimpered, making Scorpio cough to hide a laugh. Hey, shut up Scorpio, I'm trying a tactic. I understand why he laughed though, I probably would have too if he tried doing the same thing. It'll be hilarious... too bad he didn't follow suit.

Jude sighs and exchanges a look with Ezra. "You won't get it," he says calmly. "Now, Ezra. If not I will do it." Jude raises his knife threateningly.

Ezra rolled his green eyes and moved towards us. Reflexively, I scampered back and Scorpio leaps to his feet and braced himself, fists up as I go into a squat and jump to my feet.

We both glare at him, fists raised.

"Don't harm us," Scorpio hissed. And boy, does he sound scary when angered. It's one of his admirable qualities, I suppose.

"We're not, you guys will." Jude grins as Ezra brings out a dart gun and coils of rope.

"Give us your hands or I will shoot you two," Ezra sighed loudly, showing his displeasure. Scorpio and I exchange looks like they did before. I relax and give him my hands reluctantly...

Scorpio was more hesitant but when Ezra raised his dart gun and I glared at him, he gave them his hands as well to tie up.

Where are they bringing us to?


"Ow, ow, ow, the ropes are way too tight guys," I complain to a person who calls himself Atticus Lore.

He ignores me yet again.

Atticus injects some strange liquid into me with a needle. The pain makes me wince.

I started to shoot sparks of electricity. Literally. Sparks of electricity flew off me, and suddenly, all my worries disappeared. I was left with courage and confidence. I felt like I could do anything right now. I could take Atticus out still looking handsome and cool.

I could save everyone without even sweating a little. I could do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

Atticus studied me and grinned, noticing that my eyes were brighter and I was sitting straighter.

"An interesting ability, Leo."


That is pretty interesting, strange dude.

Now get down.

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