The Story Really Begins

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I was not jealous. Nope. Not at all. Totally not why Leo is my enemy. Nope. Don't ever think about it again.


I don't know why I feel so infuriated.
Its normal for girls to be attracted to Leo.
I think.
I'm not so great at the topic of love. No one ever taught me the subject, how it was supposed to feel, and work. My parents divorced just a year after I was born. I had hoped really hard for them to figure out a way to be together, but in all honestly? Now that I think about it, I don't want to live with my dad for more years.

I have no siblings. I was an only child.
I have Gemini, that enthusiastic and rather moody boy. He's always ignoring me just because he feels like it. Well, I guess I ignore him too, but... ahem.

So anyway, when I left the bus I felt so riled up, like as if I was going to run over and give Leo a big slap in front of his fans.
Yeah, right.

That would mark me as an overprotective, crazy boyfriend. Not advised to date, nonetheless marry.

But I can't help but feel furious. Is my crush going to be taken by Leo again? You might be thinking: Wow, cringe. But hey, these are just my thoughts and feelings, unfiltered.

... I hate feeling.

Kristina Williams Rihanoff.

She was stolen from me by Leo and also ditched by Leo, who ran away, trapped in Erina's intense purple gaze. I get that Erina is beautiful and all, but you seriously just made Leo ditch my ex-girlfriend so easily...

I couldn't make up my mind whether to like you or hate you, Erina-chan. All I knew was... Kristina and I are done and she was a sucky first crush. I'd say Capri is better. Capri, Capricorn is called.

Me? Scorp. Scor, even, by a teasing young Gemini.

I got the name from scoring a goal in football amd rugby a few times. Yeah, I know. That isn't much to earn a name Scor, but, well. Gemini was too cute at the time to complain much. Don't believe me?

Even I had to admit he's adorable when he was about three years old. I was always afraid of dropping him and making him cry because when he does, our parents come rushing with knives out and killer glares. Okay, not literally. Only once.

I always hoped never to be on the end of the glare. It was too frightening even for me. You should have seen them. They looked like monsters marching down the street, demanding to be fed.

My father when he was young was SCARY. Trust me. Then again, I guess he's scarier when he's grown up, though not because of his looks.

After my mother's death, he got even scarier looks and attitude. Anyway, why am I telling my childhood past to you?

When I burst out of the restroom I was currently in, I was ready to explode on that Leo person. My fists were clenched and teeth gritted, ready to have a talk- oh wow I sound absolutely crazy-when I heard it.

A shrill scream that sent a chill down my spine. I paled, wondering what had happened. Maybe I shouldn't be so bothered, I thought internally. People liked to scream randomly for some reason. They're just playing around. But I kept hearing it.

"Who are you? What are you doing with me- AHHHH!"

I froze, not sure what to do and what was going on. I recognised that voice... I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it, too stunned. I could barely think. But I managed to say something. All I said was one word. A name.

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