What Is That Fishy Smell

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Dare I say:

Luck is on my side, for once. I am still alive.

Actually, nevermind. I may have just jinxed it.

I slapped my forehead. Great. Am I going to die now? That would be really sad.

Almost as sad as the other deaths...

I got angry.

I pointed at the sky with my middle fingers. "Why did they do THAT, GOD! And WHY DID THEY LEAVE ME! Oh, wait... why did I just POINT MY MIDDLE FINGER AT GOD! Gah!"

I screamed in horror. My family is religious, and when I was young , I started to believe in many religions and mythologies.

Like Greek Mythology, ever since Capricorn suggested it to me. Percy Jackson, that kind of thing. Lore by Alexandra Bracken.

Then I heard it. The sound of a branch being stepped on.

I flinched.

My mind screamed one word.


I obeyed the command, because why not? It was on impulse, an instinct.

So I ran for like my life depended on it, which it just might.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I heard someone chase after me, their heavy footsteps thudding just a few steps away.

"I forgot about the b*tch Karma!!! Oh. Wait. I'M SORRY KARMA, FORGIVE MEEEEEEE!"

I probably shouldn't be yelling, as it gives off my location, but... ah, well, it's too late for that.

I ran as fast as I could, struggling to take out my dagger, Deception. "Go, De, go!" I yelled, praying to god, and threw it at the person racing after me.

Please, please hit him or her!

But Karma was still displeased with my behaviour.

I missed.


I could have cried that instant, cursing my bad luck quietly. But before I die, I wanted to know who my killer was. Then, I can haunt them when I become a ghost. That is, if I become a ghost.

Maybe the gods will pity me and turn me into a tree. Or a nymph. A planet. A diety, even. Or they could turn me over to hell. I could be Pisces The Grim Reaper! Or Pisces, Helper Of Charon The Boat Man. Or maybe- okay, getting sidetracked there.

Sorry, I'm just more of a dreamer than a realist or action guy. I turned my head slowly and caught a glimpse of orange hair before turning to look straight ahead in case I crashed into a tree. It's too late for that.


Wow. My luck. Karma is definitely not to be messed with people. I sit still, clutching my throbbing head, groaning in pain. Ow.... I hate headaches. They're so annoying. You can't think!

My hunter stands upon me, his spear gleaming in his hand under the sunlight. The orange hair... my hunter is-

"GOTCHA! Hey, Pisces. Why were you running from me?" The voice says excitedly, and I could picture the person jumping up and down.

I opened my eyes to see someone familiar grinning down at me enthusiastically. "Leo! I thought you were going to kill me!" I stopped trembling in fear and instead smiled back at the boy.

I took his hand, and he helped me stand up. "Really? Sorry, Pisces. Do I really look that scary, though?" Leo laughed teasingly.

He seemed so at ease that it was strange.

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