The Scorpion's Ending Battle

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That does not sound like a good chapter title for me.

So, yeah, Virgo commanded me to kill my future girlfriend. Normally, it would never work. Why would I kill someone I love so much?

It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

But, it turns out she can absorb powers after killing that specific person. And she had slain Sagittarius.

The one guy who had the power of Charmspeak. My God, my luck.

At first, it failed.

I had stared at her, puzzled. I shot her a why would I do that look. Capricorn also looked confused but also worried. I noticed she had turned a little pale and tense when she saw me look at her.

I raised my hands in surrender.

"I'm okay, Capri. Don't worry," I said calmly. Then Virgo said it again, more aggressively this time. Her eyes cut into me, glaring fiercely.

She was shaking, I noticed.

The image of me doing that came into my mind. Disgusted, I reeled back. Why am I even thinking about it? The thought made me want to throw up. I was all about loyalty.

I recoiled, then paused. I need to take her down. I approached swiftly this time, trying to forget about the thought.

Virgo paled. She said it again and again. Something appeared in my brain, quick as light and as shocking. It felt like I had been shocked by lightning.

Surprised, caught off guard, I fell to one knee, grimacing. What in the world? My feet started moving on their own. I got up slowly and turned towards Capricorn.


There's a voice in my head, I noticed. It started off soft and soothing, maybe even calm. Alluring, gentle. It told me exactly what Virgo had said.

Kill Capricorn.

Do it.

It said. Then, when I started insisting, it got louder. And louder. And louder, till it became painful.

I paused in my tracks and sank to the ground instead. I cried out, "Stop it! Stop it!"

It hurt bad.

I wanted it to stop.

My head was pounding, and all I could think about was that all I could hear were those two words. Those two freaking words that I never wanted to hear in my entire life.

My heart raced, my breathing laboured, and my head spun and pounded. Those words boomed in my head, loud and piercing. I felt like I was going to go deaf.

It was like a headache, and yet your ears are also screaming. Your mind, damn, your mind!

Then everything was quiet.

For a momen, I thought I was dead, but no, I was alive. All my thoughts were gone, silenced. Only one remained.

I heard Capricorn screaming at me, asking if I was alright. I heard her footsteps. She was running towards me.

Normall, I would be terrified.

I would think, no! Go no closer!
It'ss dangerous.

But now all I could think about was, yes, come.

Come closer. I want to kill you. Please, come on over. Closer. Closer!

I heard Virgo let out a nervous laugh.

Capricornyellsl a stream of insults at her. "What did you do to Scorpio, you b*tch!"

They should have been friends.

They were great friends.

Now, though.

I stood up and smiled at her.

Capricorn was a few meters from me, staring. She was really pale. And trembling. She had a hand on her katana, ready to draw it.

I got to work.

I hate working.


It worked, actually worked!

Who knew... Sagittarius, you're great.

I mean... eh.

Just... every night and every day, I try to use the power I got from Sagittarius, but it doesn't always work.

I got Scorpio on my side now.

Capricorn would be dead, then I kill Scorpio, and kill Pisces easily, and win! I could actually be the winner!

It shouldn't be too hard to kill Pisces and Scorpi since Scorpio is under my control, and Pisces... well, Pisces should have died long ago.

Oh wait, I forgot Cancer.

Eh, maybe I'll use Scorpio to kill that crab. Wow, I sound like a proper villain now. But seriously?

I just don't want to get blood all over me. You never know. Maybe the blood contains a disease or something that could easily kill someone.

Anywhoo, Sorpio lunged at Capricorn with surprisingly fast speed. He almost seemed eager to kill his girlfriend.

Capricorn... she looks horrified for a moment, but then she got her composure bac and waited calmly for Scorpio to reach her, barely batting an eye.

Is she just wanting to get killed that easy? I mean, okay, but that is not like her at all. Maybeit'ss because she doesn't want to harm her boyfriend- oh oof,never mind - maybe she was secretly planning to kill Scorpio anyway.

Just as Scorpio was inches away from her, she dodged and sliced at Scorpio's right arm with her weapon Hellreaver.
Scorpio cried out in pai and nearly dropped his weapon. Lame.

Capricorn then swiftly managed to get behind his back, confiscate his weapo, and grab his two arms, making him unable to do anything.

"Stop this, Scorpio! You're not supposed to be doing this! You're on my side, remember?" Her frantic voice dropped to become a calm, gentle one.

One that was supposed to sooth Scorpio.

Scorpio just continued struggling, but I know I saw his eyes widen for a moment. That's not good.

Quick as a cheetah, I ran forward, grabbed one of their katanas, and stabbed Capricorn in the back. She cried out in agonising pain and fell backwards, releasing Scorpio from her tight grip.

Then I retreated. And then it struck me.

Guilt. So much of it. Memories of an incident long ago that I had forgotten came back to me.

Did I really just...

Stab the person who saved my life?

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