Un-Silent Tears

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I was leaning against a tree, holding my weapon, a trident I named Pitch,  chilling. Though not really, since I was really nervous that something big and unexpected was going to happen. I had a weird hunch I couldn't shrug off. That was when a loud clarion voice was heard.

"I am here to announce today's deaths. First up, we have..."

Today's deaths?

I choked.

Wait... one of my friends actually killed my other friends? What the heck was this?! Some kind of... hunger games?!

Libra and I read Hungry Games together. Wait, no, I mean Hunger. Hunger Games. Sorry, I'm hungry. I should eat something, but I decided to ration it if not I'll really be in big trouble.

Are they insane or what?! No offence, but seriously?! Why would they do that? I know that they want to live and all, but slaughtering their friends so quickly- it scares me that I could have been killed today as well.

Then I had a dark thought. One that I would be better off not thinking about. One that made my stomach churn with unease and nausea. One that would give me a headache thinking all night about it.

It better not be my crush...

I silently prayed to god to spare her life. I would sacrifice mine to save hers, if necessary.

Please, let her live...

It can't be her, right?

No way she was that unlucky...


"We have Libra The Scales..."

I start to laugh. Because that news is absolutely ridiculous, absolutely absurd, and absolutely terrible. It's awful, the pain. It feels like being stabbed from inside out. I try to breathe, but it is hard.

I try to calm down, but my breath catches, panic overwhelming me. No... no, it can't be!I heard wrong-I... I definitely didn't hear that! The speaker is wrong! No one would be so heartless to kill her, right? Libra didn't have any obvious enemies  or rivalries... who could it be?!


I start to shake uncontrollably. Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. I bent forward where I sat on the floor and pressed my palms to the ground, and began to cry with the force of a person vomiting on all fours. Huge body-shaking sobs racked my body, each coming in a wave, and, with every sob, I let out a low whimper.

Please... no. That person who made that announcement is lying! Libra is alive... hiding somewhere. Something in me shattered. All my hopes and dreams of living together happily...

I. Just can't imagine what it's like to live in a world without her. Never see her smile or talk ever again. Suddenly, I feel determined.

I'll win this.

For her.

I just... have to... kill my friends... I sobbed louder. Libra... why?! I couldn't even be bothered to hear another word, but I needed to know who was the one who took her away from me..

"Stabbed in the heart -"

I flinched. Poor Libs. She didn't deserve to die that way. She was always so caring and fair. She was harmless! Why would anyone want to hurt her? I don't get it... my mouth tastes dry.

"By Aries The Ram with his twin knives as Gemini stood watching in shock."


He killed her?

My fellow fire sign? My best buddy? The one I did a singing contest a day ago? Why would he kill her? Surely he knew I liked her? Unless... Gemini. Did he...?

I punched the tree I leaned against in a fit of rage. I can't believe this. I picked up my trident and swung as hard as I could. Again. And again.

AGAIN! TILL IT BREAKS INTO PIECES LIKE HOW MY HEART BROKE! Okay, that sounds rather cringe. But that's how I fvcking felt right then. I couldn't take it...

I screamed and screamed and screamed, painful and raw. Libra... how could you ever leave me in this cruel place? You never even found out that... I had always loved you since the day we talked when we became mortal.

It had been raining.

I was waiting for it to stop since I didn't bring my umbrella. I didn't want to make my cold even worse. Besides, I was carrying an important paper that I needed to be dry. It was a drawing... it meant a lot to me, though. That drawing...

And she had come up to me.

You were the only one who offered to shelter me when all the others left me alone to wait in silence.

She was my light, the glorious sun. It sounds cheesy, but I feel miserable. I never expected this to happen. Why should I? I sigh heavily.

She had been my everything when I lost hope. But now, when I needed her most... she was gone. I gritted my teeth. I will kill Aries and Gemini! It's not like Gemini did anything to help...

I vowed on my life to get my revenge. I didn't bother listening anymore and instead set off to train.

I regret it now, not hearing the speaker finish their speech. I regret it a lot.

I had had false hope.

This is a mistake that I will regret dearly.

For it cost me my life.

"Aries did it out of jealousy," he later admitted. He had a crush on Gemini, and since his crush was hitting on Libra, he killed her in a fit of rage, blinded by his affection for Gemini. But Gemini betrayed him. Gemini yelled at him in fury and shot him in the head, killing him instantly.

He said he never liked him back and had only ever loved Libra. But then Gemini had some sort of mental breakdown.

It is unknown if he was overwhelmed by grief that his crush Libra was gone or that he actually loved Aries and had only killed him because he also liked Libra or because he had got a bit insane. He committed suicide by shooting himself in the head."

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