11. W-Well uh..

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         I turn my head around when I hear the voice of 035. "D-Dyo?" I mumble as I see him running towards me. "Doc!" He yells as he tackles me in a hug. I yelp as we both fall to the ground.
         035 picks his head up and laughs. "Heheh sorry." He says, getting off of me and kneeling next to me. "I-It's okay," I say, still a little shocked. 035 held out his hand for me to take. "Thank you," I say, taking it and getting up. "It took a while to find you." 035 said. I huffed and looked away from him. "Yes well, maybe I didn't want to be found," I said coldly. "..What?" 035 said, frowning. "I didn't want your distractions," I say, turning and walking away. "Wait, doc!" I hear 035 yells from behind me. I sigh a bit and turn. "What is it 035?" I ask, stopping in place. Dyo looks down at me, a frown on his face. "If you're worried about me distracting you from curing patients then, it's for nothing..you know I wouldn't keep you from it, even though I don't agree with it." 035 muttered the last part as if I didn't already know.  I sighed again and nodded. "As long as you promise to keep out of my way?" 035 nodded quickly, the frown turning into a smile once again.

         As 035 walked to my side, they both heard a water-like sound that made me look around in confusion. "What's that?" I ask, looking up at 035 questioningly. 035 just smiled at me, as if he'd just gotten an idea. "Oh no...I know that look." I say, biting my lip a little. The watery sounds continue to get louder until a small blob of some sort comes around the corner, with a huge smile on its face. It gasped loudly when it made eye contact with me. "Dyo..? What is this?
I ask hesitantly, not sure if I want to know the answer. 035 stays silent as the blob gets closer to us both. "049!" It yelled in excitement and rushing over to my ankle. "aH-" I yelp as it wraps its small arms around my leg. "Will you be my friend?!" It asks, looking up at me. For some reason, I smile at it, suddenly overwhelmed with happiness and joy. "Why of course I will," I say, giggling and picking the small blob up. It giggles along with me and literally melts into my embrace.


          I watch as the two smile and laugh at each other. "..This is unexpected.." I mutter to myself. "Can't remember the last time I heard doc laugh.." I smile more at him. "It's nice," I say, starting to walk down the hall. "C'mon guys, we have to keep moving!" I shout, hoping they'll hear me over all that giggling. After a few seconds, I hear a pair of footsteps behind me, I sigh in relief.


         Me and the others find a small chamber to rest in for a while. It's decent enough, it has a bed and a few child-like toys in it that 999 was playing with. I sat next to 049, who was watching 999 happily. "..Where are we going from here?" I ask, looking at the doctor. He sighed lightly and shook his head. "I'm not sure..though I know we can't stay here for long, otherwise we'll be-" "-Contained?" I ask, interrupting him. He nods and shivers a little. "I would hate to go back into containment." He mutters. I nod in agreement. "Any of us would...though, I do wonder," I say, looking to 049. "How did they treat you in containment?" I ask. Doc stiffened a little bit and looked away from me. I frown and look at him in confusion. "What?" I say in confusion. 049 shakes his head as if to say "nothing". "No no, what's wrong?" I ask, getting a little worried, he never gets anxious about anything unless something is really wrong.


         "Why did he have to ask me about that..?" I think to myself, as I look away from Dyo. I sigh and look back up at him. "Answer the question, doc." He says in suspicion. My anxiety shoots up again as he asks that. "W-Well uh.."

         A/N: First, sorry this chapter is so short and also a cliffhanger hahaha! Second, I wanted to talk about the discord issue that some people were having. I have my discord username and number in my bio, so if you could send a friend invite and tell me in the comments that you did, I will friend you and add you to the server! I'm not sure if this will work but since the link didn't I'm hoping this will! Sorry for the trouble, have a nice day/afternoon/night!<3

How to Lift the Curse of Unrequited Love (049x035)Where stories live. Discover now