23. The Rumble Before the Storm

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A/N: I know it's been forever my bunnies but I finally got another chapter out! Now I fully expect to make edits to this so be on the lookout for that. I can't wait for these two lovebirds to finally get out of the foundation and I'm sure you can't either. Now I'll be quiet and let you read, enjoy!<3


         Dyo and I had only a few minutes to enjoy the rising sun before alarms rang out and bright red lights flashes. As we both quickly made our way to a door with text I didn't have time to read. I'd noticed a flaw in our planning. "Wait Dyo, we don't know where this goes-" He cut me off by grabbing my hand and yanking me along. "I do." That was all he said as he roughly swung the door open with his shoulder. "I've tried to escape before, or have you forgotten?" There was a small pause in his movement as my eyes adjusted to the dark of a tunnel system. "You've made it this far before?" I asked, noticing a few d-class bodies lying on the ground. The urge to cure was strong but, for once the need to get out was stronger. Hesitantly, I turned away and continued to walk at Dyo's side as he spoke. "I have but I've never gotten past this point." He paused, "But I've also never escaped with a companion before," Dyo said, smirking at me. I smiled back lightly, trying to keep in a small chuckle. "What has gotten you caught?" I asked as we turn a corner and light pours through what was a dark space. "This." He replies. I turn my head to him before hearing the sound of guns reloading through the air. "Put your hands in the air, or we will shoot." Came a guard's dull voice. Dyo complied, making me nervous. I slowly did the same, my hands shaking widely. "It's okay," Dyo whispered. The guards slowly advanced towards us, like animals about to go in for the kill. It was terrifying, we'd come so far. We couldn't get caught now.

         Once the guards got close enough, the two SCP's could see handcuffs being pulled out as Dyo put his hands out in front of him. The guards shook as they did this and 035 could feel the fear flowing through them. Dyo's hand twitched a few times before he grabbed the guard's wrists, pushing them down before delivering a small, fast kick to their stomach.

         The two were distracted, I swiftly pulled off their gloves and watched in satisfaction when they fell to the floor. A few of them start shooting but Dyos mass of liquid on the floor grew, leading them to a painful, simmering death. From behind the last guard pointed a gun a Dyos head. He didn't bother to turn around as the guard started threatening Dyo and how if they shot, the mask would be destroyed. For the first time, I sensed slight fear in Dyo's posture. "Don't" I mumbled. I didn't mean to let the word out but it slipped anyway. The gun was pointed at me immediately. I could sense the anxiety in their hazel eyes as their gaze locked onto mine. I felt a memory form into my head, one of another being with those same colored eyes. I flinched, as more memories flooded in...

         A petite woman with a simple white lace dress sitting in a wooden chair smiling at me. I fell against the wall as another memory came through. One of lavender fields and music played by various instruments I'd forgotten about. Somewhere in the haziness, I heard Dyo's voice, but it was quickly drowned out by the sounds of the past. Eventually though, the warm glow of memories stopped and my vision became clear. "Hey! Doc! Are you okay? What the hell happened?" Dyo asked loudly. I stood up straight, wiping tears from my eyes. "I...It was memories.." I replied, still hazy. Dyo wipes any of the tears that made it onto my mask. I breathed out a sigh of relief as his hand found mine. He rubbed the palm of my hand with his thumb. I looked up at him gratefully. Then I noticed the guard, still standing there but now with a wide-eyed expression. I looked back with pleading eyes, hoping she would let us go. That for once, somebody would just let us go. Her light hair fell into her eyes now after looking down at her gun. She shakily put it back into her belt pocket and looked back at the two of us, backing away. "Go." That was all she said. There was only seconds of hesitation before Dyo pulled me towards a heavy metal door. "They'll see on the cameras.. be quick, they come to kill." The woman said in a hushed voice. I mumbled a thank you before we rushed away.


       "It's nice she came to her senses huh?" I asked, chuckling as we ran hand in hand together. "..Was that you?" The doctor asked. I shrugged. "Just being around someone persuades them to do what I want but.." We stopped as Dyo slid a keycard into its slot. "No.. for the most part, that was her," I said as we started running again. The doctor hummed quietly. I could tell he was getting tired. 

     "Are you nervous to see the outside again?" The doctor asked in a quiet voice. I looked up at the glass ceiling again, feeling a sense of nostalgia as I watched the clouds slowly drift across the sky. "Well..it certainly will be refreshing," I said, smiling. The doctor nodded in agreement as we walked along. 


         It got quiet after a while, door after door of endless hallways. It felt like we were back where we started. It was driving me mad, well I already was but that wasn't the point. 
       "Dyo..can you feel that?" The doctor asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hummed in response. "That shaking..the rumble." He said, scanning the room we were in. "Now that you mention it, I do feel something," I said, looking down at the host's shoes which were slowly falling apart from the black goo. "I felt it before when I was alone.." He paused as it got rougher and more noticeable. "It's probably another SCP escaping dear," I said, putting a hand on his back to steady him. "We'll be fine," I said in a hushed voice. 


         I watched as the two walked slowly through the upper levels of the facility. They were quite interesting after all and lucky. It wasn't every day that an NTF guard let SCP's go willingly. But that wasn't the point. I'd been waiting for the opportunity to catch 035 with his guard down, just for me to knock him off his feet. It would be interesting to see how a neat and confident creature would react to such a thing. Oh and the doctor yes, he would have to be kept somewhere while this was going on, no? Well, that was why 682 was rumbling through the facility, all he had to do was find them, get the doctor and separate the two all while slowly climbing his way up to the surface. As humans say, it was a win-win situation. 

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